My previous questions were raised, because in MY opinion, by employing ex NAZI scientists NASSA lost their ability to be trusted as an organisation of integrity
Why? What do you think being a member of the Nazi party meant? What do you think ex-Nazi party members were supposed to do with their life?
However I think that is a separate issue from my above point
It is literally the exact same issue.
In answer I would say I have had to put my boxing gloves on a few times, and I have definitly lost a few rounds, but I think the thread has given validity on the discussion both for and against.
So far there has been no debate for you to lose. All that's happened is you have asked a lot of questions without doing any research and promoted some conspiracy theories, all while studiously avoided any sort of quality thinking and educating yourself from reliable sources on the subject while suggesting other fact and evidence free ideas.
As it stands, the only thing this thread has shown is a dire need to begin education on critical thinking at an early age.
Everything thus takes us back to the question of " government" trying mastery over the minds of its citizens.
And this is one of those example of a lack of critical thinking.
So to conclude FREE discussion, should never be mocked or ridiculed,. Which is why as I said earlier, I am delighted as a consequence of starting this thread and my boy of 10 mentioning the subject in class," Young citizens" are going to debate the subject as a school project.
Well, yes, it's absolutely appropriate to mock discussion if it is deserving of it. Also, unless they're being taught how to evaluate evidence and quality thinking skills first, any "debate" like that (because there is no debate) will simply serve to make a lot of those kids dumber.