Exhibit A, Miss Viviane. Can you be any less hateful or vitriolic?
What an odd and wrong thing to say. I don't hate anyone nor am I bitter about anything (a key component of vitriol).
Perhaps you're confusing "doesn't suffer fools" with words you clearly didn't think about before you wrote them.
Viviane, feel free to spew hate or vitriol at me if you disagree.
Don't be melodramatic. Any response you get will purely be based on the quality of thought you've put into what you write next. I've no more desire or time to bother hating you or what you write than I do an ant.
Marriage would be little more than a contract between two (or more) consenting adults. The contract would spell out mostly the financial obligations as well as child custody in the event the marriage contract is dissolved.
Well, I don't hate it. You didn't think it through, however. Government, i.e. the state, is exactly who enforces contracts. When aarriage is dissolved today, there is typically a consent decree outlining child support, alimony, separation of property, etc., all enforced by the government. The initial marriage contract is recorded by the government. Government is the body that enforces and settled contracts via the court system.
Your argument makes as much sense as people saying they want the government out of their social security and Medicaid. By definition, the thing you want is logically impossible.