Every dinner my wife makes is special and such does not render the previous dinners un-special or any equal to the others. Despite the fact that sometimes the menu repeats itself.
All that tells me is that you don't know what "special" means.
Please do not leave humanity out of your posts. When you stick strictly to the definition of the principle you sound a lot like the WT
The WT denies reality and twists the meaning of words to suit their agenda. Your complaint can be broken out as "when you stick to the definition of words, you are like those who lie about what words mean". You're literally saying a thing equals the opposite of the thing. It doesn't make sense.
You are correct Viviane but I believe you missed the point made by the Rebel
I don't miss the point. I reject it wholly. He writes of the "ridicule" for not possessing critical thinking opportunities on a thread he start to discuss the moon landing. He was provided with facts, evidence, where he could find the information on his own, read analysis of the data and was offered summaries of the analysis. He rejected all of this and attempted to use his feelings as a guide for a science question. He wasn't ridiculed, his argument was rejected. He wasn't abused, he was told that if he would not bother to do any work to learn, then there was zero reason to take his information-free feelings as a guide.
I reject his argument as an attempt to justify his lack of even cursory work and place it equal to those who have taken the time put the work it. It's laughable.