Where we find water, we find life or at least that's the case on earth.
Well, in ONE place where we know there is liquid water we know there is life.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Where we find water, we find life or at least that's the case on earth.
Well, in ONE place where we know there is liquid water we know there is life.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Normally when talking in layman's terms we would describe enantionmers as being the same molecule but a mirror image just like a left and right hand.
You can use technical terms, you don't need to use "laymans" terms.
In fact, if you're laying out a scientific position, "layman's terms" are the exact opposite of what you should be doing. If you want to discuss homochirality, just say it.
They have all the same properties and when formed in the lab the left and right hand form a racemic mixture which is 50% of each enantiomer or stereo isomer.
So far so good.....
Soai showed that an auto catalyst was involved in order for a majority of left handed molecules only were formed in nature.
No, that's not what the Saoi reaction shows.
The L-enantiomer in nature is not a slight surplus it's a huge majority. This is called a homochiral mixture.
That is not what homochiral means.
Cofty said all this means there is no magic involved. This statement is strawman and has no substance.
That is not what a strawman is.
Cofty said he can prove God does not exist. How has he proved proved this to me?
Define "God" in such a way that it can be proved or disproved.
I am not saying it's magic, I am saying an auto catalyst is evidence of guidance.
You misuse the word "evidence". You've shown no chain of linkage, not employed the null hypotheses, not shown causation or correlation.
Nobody has proven my chemistry is wrong. Where is the evidence Viv?
You've not done any chemistry. You've incorrectly posted what Soai reaction is, what it shows, incorrectly used the word "homochiral", incorrectly added the words "only in nature" where it doesn't belong, not shown a shred of evidence for your claims and misunderstood what a strawman it.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
No I haven't my facts are correct all you have to do is google enantiomers. My chemistry is correct cofty. You say you have proof God does not exist and all you can say is that I have misrepresented the facts.
It's been proven time and time again that you've no idea what you're talking about. Simply repeating that you're correct shows that you've no idea what constitutes evidence, how a chain of evidence works and that your understanding of chemistry in general, much less specifically organic chemistry, is high school level at best.
am a chemical analyst and I have other chemical analysts on this board that can back me up about homochirality and racemic mixtures.
Clearly state your position that you think is correct.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Everyone believes in God. It is instinctual. There hasn't ever been a culture without belief in God.
Which god and what do you mean by "culture"?
No you haven't been able to prove to me with evidence that a creator was not responsible for guiding evolution and especially the formation of enantiomers. The Soai reaction is not substantial evidence it just proves that in nature there is an auto catalyst. This is really evidence of guidance rather than chance formation.
It's been proved, just not to you because you've not bothered to learn enough to understand the evidence. The problem is not lack of proof presented to you, it's lack of effort to understand it on your part.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Aliens or even microbes don't exist on other planets.
At best, that is your uninformed opinion.
The last time NASA found water particles on Mars it was revealed it came from human technology from earth.
clear favourite is water has been discovered.
Water HAS been found on Mars already.
a lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
Belief that Jesus existed and even doing good works in his name doesn't make a person a Christian, or make themcovered by the new covenant.
Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
Interestingly, Perry, this example you used to prove your point is one of the passages we know that Jesus never would have said. Why, you may ask?
It's a pun! More specifically, it's a pun that only makes sense in Greek. In Aramaic or Hebrew, Nicodemus never would have confused the words for spiritual birth and physical birth, they are totally different. But in Greek, however, the words were the same.
This passage, to make sense, could ONLY have been spoken in Greek, not any language two Jews would have been speaking to each other at that time and place with their backgrounds.
a lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
This is YOUR definition not Christs' definition. And since we are discussing what constitutes a Christian, his words are what matter not yours or muslims or mine.
Christians are Christian either, so why the fight over who gets to snuggle with your imaginary friend?
.You are cherry picking Scriptures to support your position as to what was most important to Jesus, just as JWs do.
ALL Christians do that, otherwise they would be in jail.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
WHO CARES, REBEL,..just shut the FICK UP !!
What a small, rude person you are.
Oh, and man landed on the moon.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
Your free to stop posting nonsense about things your too lazy to look up and stop I tentionally attempting (and failing) to hurt people anytime if you're unable to handle the consequences of your actions.
It is worth noting that on several posts you've started, kind people such as myself did attempt to help you with new lines of thought such as critical thinking, research, evaluating evidence, etc., but your response was laziness and name calling in a failed bit to hurt someone. You had what you claimed you want and promptly took a shit on it.
So it goes, but don't expect to be able to play the victim card, snowflake.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
I believe my post about " Goodwins Law" was an interesting assumption that I am entiltled to.
Of course you are entitled to make assumptions, just as the rest of the world is entitled to call you out on them for not bothering to do even a cursory google search to see if your unfounded assertions make sense. See how that works?
Its definitely my assumption forums should be a pleasurable leisure activity.
Of course we are free to RESPECTIVLY disagree, but perhaps with some posters, the wisest choice would be to not disagree at all.
You said you were personally attempted to hurt me with your words, failing miserably in the process. How do you reconcile your reprehensible actions and failure with your call to be respective and utter failure to do so?
I hope that makes sence.
Nope, not in the least, given your complete lack of sticking to your own ideals.