Yes I do, because its personal to me and I love Chemistry. As soon as chemistry proves otherwise I will change my views. I actually disagree and feel the evidence shows guided evolution.
Your emotions have nothing to do with how chemistry works or what constitutes evidence.
Yes that is exactly what a homochiral mixture is.
You're mixing medical terms with specific terms in chemistry, Kate, a sure sign that someone is attempting to support a tenuous position by confusing the muddying the waters. In chemistry, what you are saying is NOT what homochiral means.
You are quick to tell posters what you think is wrong about my chemistry but you don't actually correct me. This proves you don't know what you're talking about
Yes, we know you don't know what "proof" or "evidence" is. You didn't need to provide us with another example.
BTW, I've noticed that your entire argument is lifted from the website, a website that uses junk science, bad information and flat out lies in order support their notion that the Bible is scientific or that science proves god somehow.
They don't know how science works, either.