There is clear evidence that the smell of pus and flowers can be passed down as a memory to the offspring.
It's clear that you don't know what "evidence" and "memories" are.
as i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
There is clear evidence that the smell of pus and flowers can be passed down as a memory to the offspring.
It's clear that you don't know what "evidence" and "memories" are.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Viv, DNA is an information system of some kind, or at least it is the hardware to carry the information. Seriously VIV as a JW you are not even allowed to read science books not approved by the WT, you are also not allowed to pursue a higher education, which is why you are so foolishly ignorant. In fact if your elders knew of your postings here you would likely be disfellowshipped as you are wasting your time on not WT sponsored activities. I do not agree with this, but it is true.
Back up, ShortRound, you still owe us information on how your ideas are scientific, a specific component being falsifiability. Before you move on to saying more wrong things and making unfounded claims, let's settle what you previously claimed.
Also, I'm not a JW. You're being goofy.
@crabby you disagree therefore you are stupid.
Wow. That's mean. It also applied to you, so quite self deprecating as well.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
So let me get this straight. DNA/RNA is not an information system and DNA doesn't qualify as code.
It developed spontaneously, by itself, from basic elements in solid and liquid form
It created a system so intricate and complicated, we are still trying to figure out how it works.
What is "it"?
One-celled organisms transformed into multi-celled organisms. From multi-celled organisms these would magically turn into complicated life forms and divide into male and female sexes.
No, magic is not involved. "Magic" is actually your position.
Yes, I know a period of 450 million years is a long time and lots of things can happen during that time. That's why evolutionism qualifies as a religion. One must have a lot of faith to believe in all of that.
Wrong. Faith and magic are your positions. evidence, rooms, building and thousands of volumes of it, is how we know this. No faith or magic involved.
Well, I will also make a prediction. They will not find life on Mars or anywhere else in the solar system (except earth) because life, in any form, cannot be kick started by itself, not in a million years.
That's actually an unprovable assertion. It is not fasifiable. It's like saying "no human can live forever". You know, science and stuff. And logic.
"It's all just electrons doing their thing." Intelligent electrons! I have never heard of such codswallop in my whole life.
Neither has anyone else. Where did you get that idea from? Atoms and particles behave according to physics. Where are you getting "intelligence" from? That's from your side, "intelligent design", and it's all faith and magic.
Anyway, DNA qualifies as an information system, whether you like it or not. The sender of this information system is God, and the recipients are all the life forms on earth, and I am grateful for his magnanimous generosity.
You just argued against magic and faith, now you claim it. Which is it you want? If you want it, then your entire previous post goes in the waste bin. If you don't want it, your last comment invalidates your entire post.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Ah, Viv's back. Please Viv, if you have the time, go through the video, and let me know if you see logical flaws in the presentation, and what they are. There's no rush, so take your time. Thanks in anticipation.
It starts out with a flaw, the parts regarding language and information. I didn't need to go any further to realize their entire premise is wrong. No need for me to write anything more as Cofty has already done an excellent job.
Adaptation is necessary for survival. But in most cases it would pre-programmed. Some view spontaneous mutations as the cause.
What Caedes said.
As mentioned, spontaneous mutations are very seldom beneficial. They kill rather than improve.
Whatever was mentioned is wrong. They are usually, mostly harmless. The harmful ones tend to not reproduce because, you know, they're harmful. The beneficial ones tend to live on.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
I know that JW's do not study any sort of science, thus they have no rights to comment on such topics. Thus the JW World View is one of purposeful ignorance, but since ignorance is bliss you are quite happy.
Zippy zippy zing............
CIAO idiot
Alright, I'll let you down easy. You just weren't up to the task, you didn't measure up, you came up short and now you have to leave, to run away and pretend the woman is the problem to preserve a tiny shred of dignity that, deep down in the place where you know all this is true, you know that shred is even false.
Anyway, tootles, Noodle!
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
One more.........think, without having feelings of inadequacy.
PS. OR get an education.
Where's that falsifiability, Stubbs? I mean, you do know what that is, right, Tiny?
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
No just assholes who pray for all of the Worlds people to die. You have a problem with that kid?
Oh wow. That's like, every bald, short, stubby fingered man ever in those feelings of inadequacy. It's a nuclear furnace of inadequacy.
Oh, you also failed to show how anything you said was scientific. Remember, if it is, then it's falsifiable, so please show us that. You know, as soon as you're able, Shorty.
Got that kid?
Oh. You have been VERY clear, Tiny, shaking your tiny fist of rage as you gaze up at me, the glare of your scalp almost blinding me.
Oh, and don't forget the falsifiability.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Again kid, the first life form on Mars will be the most intelligent creature in the known universe. Which will be a human, made in the image of God to continue colonization....................
Viv's Law in action. Also, it's really sad that you feel the need to attempt to demean people by calling them kid. That's a common sign of feelings of inadequacy.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
The Village Idiot says that no planning of a Mars mission is ongoing. Wrong boys...
I am quite familiar with the Orion and SRS rockets. That's not "planning to colonize Mars". In fact, the first use case is a year long mission to go to an asteroid. Which, BTW, also isn't colonizing Mars. Eventually, at some point, they would like to go to Mars. Which also isn't "planning to colonize Mars.
As for Viv, you have no clue kid, there is no Viv's law except in your mind which means you are delusional. Furthermore what you consider theological babble is clearly scientific and being done as we converse, but since JW's do not believe in science or even tomorrow, this can't be.
Of course there is. I can quote it... "anytime someone uses science in an effort to prove an incorporeal spirit creature, i.e., higher power, exists, did exist or took or takes action in the physical, material universe, you can be 100% certain that person doesn't know what any of those things means and lacks critical thinking skills".
You're demonstrating now, as well as a bit of a nasty personality.
But, since you consider what you said scientific, please explain how it is falsifiable. Go one, go ahead.
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
So kid it never occurred to your little intellect that we are already planning a move to another planet, and there are already people who have volunteered to make the move.
Right now some people are working very long term missions, but not colonization. That, however, has nothing do to with your nonsense.
I would stick around, but as an amateur astronomer, I am headed to high, dark ground to watch the Perseids. Astronomy, space exploration and physics are some of my favorite subjects, so, by the way, OF COURSE I know what is going on in those fields.
Also, you didn't bring my shrubbery.
So much for Viv
Seriously, what is wrong with you? You are a walking example of Viv's Law, but you also appear to have the reasoning and thinking skills of the Cheeto Candidate.