Viv you can add anything to any imaginary list you like as far as I am concerned. You never back up anything you say. If you ever make an actual argument in favour of any of the claims you make, there will be something to discuss
Awww.... the "but you do it toooo!" argument. It's wrong, of course. For example, when you made a wrong claim recently about what WT publications said and the source material showed you wrong and then you whined about....something or other about me because you didn't get to make claims and tell lies about people unfettered. Honestly, all whining sounds the same to me, like a three year old pitching a fit because of bedtime.
So, anyway, enough with the lies. Anytime I make a claim about science or what something says or someone said, I back it up when necessary. That's been shown over and over and over. Whining doesn't change that.