Yes, faith is more than reason alone. But faith seeks reason. But some articles of faith cannot be reasoned. For example, I have faith my soul will be saved in my particular Judgement.
OK, so you don't know what faith is. Got it.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Yes, faith is more than reason alone. But faith seeks reason. But some articles of faith cannot be reasoned. For example, I have faith my soul will be saved in my particular Judgement.
OK, so you don't know what faith is. Got it.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
To believe universe itself can be understood with human reason requires faith too.
That's not how science works.
To believe universe itself can be understood with human reason requires faith too.
Speak for yourself, I don't believe that.
There's no warranty or proof of ANY kind I will be alive tomorrow but my plans and my thoughts are made upon faith that I'll be alive in next years.
That's irrelevant to the topic.
The premise of faith is that our rational minds can't be traceable to any animal and our minds can bear the concept of infinity. It's logical to conclude our rational minds came from something higher.
That's nutter vutter. That's not at all what faith is. It's certainly not logic of any kind.
Do you know what logic is?
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Viviane so anyone who disagrees with you is a nutterball? You and others love to call people crazy just because they have faith and you don't. That's a form of discrimination.
Awww.... look, a religious person being completely dishonest about what I said. Thinking you're nutters because you think people will fall for that nuttery isn't discrimination. It's just good sense.
Our rational soul...we could cure any disease and prevent any accident.
Puuuure Nuuuutttterrryyyy!
Science is a method not books. A book about optics is not about the scientific method.
Look who just revealed pure ignorance of what the book contains!
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Science as we know today was invented in a recent time by Christians.
I was referring to Catholic Church. I'm Catholic and Catholicism is ancient. And Catholics wrote the Bible.
Saying the same nuttery over and over doesn't make it true, no matter how much nuttery you write to pretend it's true.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
I can't make up my mind. Is JM more of a bible writer (THAT certainly explains a lot), a yoda/obi wan (the Force, Luke) or is he just that creepy cop from Fried Green Tomatoes threatening Idgy (Viv)? I vote for the creepy cop.
If you really unpack the nuttery that JM wrote, it's pretty clear what is going on. It's a need have a sense of importance to the world, to know something we don't, to belong, to be special and feared, to get to tell others what to do. Just look at the language he used...
"I belong to an ancient kind of knowledge"
"We wrote the Bible, Viviane"
"We created your precious science"
" But you can't get rid from the thought of what is to die"
"And we know something about you."
" You only have to accept what you already know, what you always knew. "
Seriously, this is like a creepy/comedic mashup of a 15 year old white knight "nice guy" from Facebook cross-posting on Reddit in /r/philosophy using all of the knowledge he learned on /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep and /r/TheRedPill.
It's someone trying to fly the flag of being special without having done any of the work to actually be special in some way. It's a sign of laziness, extreme insecurity and gullibility. I mean, who would fall for a group claiming to be the people that wrote the Bible, invented science, philosophy, language and to know every human's secret knowledge?
Or, maybe he's just really hoping if they accept him, then he will get to go to orgies full of beautiful women that totally really absolutely happen.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
And science was created by Christians.
I just put some jumping poetry to this historical fact.
You're such a liar. Why is it that those claiming to be religious, moral, deeply so, are almost universally the most dishonest people around?
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
You can prove this for yourself, you already knows that. You only have to accept what you already know, what you always knew.
More like a run of the mill nutter seeking importance. "I am scaaaary! I have seeeecret knowledge! I am a phantom!"
JM is a straight up loon.
John_Mann you have a good point. It's too bad some people cannot get your point no matter how simple it is.
It's always nice when people just go ahead and let you know they're nutters so you don't have to spend time figuring it out.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Yes, bicameralism is a hypothesis in Psychology. Like you or not.
Seriously, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
I belong to an ancient kind of knowledge. One that have been around since the dawn of consciousness and it will be around until the end of times.
We wrote the Bible, Viviane.
OK, you're just a nutter. Some wear tin foil, some are anti-vaxxers, some rage about clouds. You think you wrote the Bible.
Science cannot answer these questions and much more, Viviane. And these questions are not "woo and deepitys".
Thy hypocrisy of anti-science nutters is that they use science to spread their nuttery
You can prove this for yourself, you already knows that. You only have to accept what you already know, what you always knew.
They're also full of shit, evidence above. Nutty, nutty shit.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Yes, bicameralism is a hypothesis in Psychology. Like you or not.
No, it isn't. A hypothesis is a testable, falsifiable prediction. Bicameralism is not that at all.
I was not talking about being right about definitions of positivism I'd made or if these definitions match with someone else's definition. I already said to you that I don't mind to be wrong about these definitions and matches.
You made a claim about people, calling them evil, using your definition as the basis of almost everything you've said.
Yet you can't even attempt to show that one thing is true even after you've said it was? Why not? Do you know it isn't true? Are you afraid to find out?
I just want to plant a seed of reflection in your mind about the possibility that I can be right. You know there's at least a doubt about this possibility.
I really couldn't care less what you want. Please refrain from making ignorant claims about me. You keep doing it, now that you know it's an ignorant (and false claim), it's a lie every time you repeat it. Dishonesty is not an appealing quality.
And it's useless for you to maunder as the shadows of doubt and denial gets more intricate and subtle. You know exactly what lies in the midst of this darkness.
I have absolutely no idea what you are attempting to say about me. I am assuming it's wrong and uninformed based on past experience.
So, so sum up... JM can't show is central point is correct or makes sense, every single thing he has said about other people, philosophy and science has been wrong. But, there is a chance his specific woo, out of all of the woo in the world, might just be the one that's right, but you need to accept it involved bestiality and/or incest. And that you secretly know it's true, according to JM.
Good grief, JM, put up or shut up. And stop pretending you know anything about me.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Yes, he is. It's related to consciousness and that's the subject of Psychology. Some positivists doesn't consider Psychology as valid knowledge though.
Except he doesn't have a hypothesis. It's just something he said. So.... you promoting an unscientific idea as something to be proven while trying to use it to say....well, whatever weird thing you've fallen for.
That's why I'd asked you. My apologies if I'd insulted you. I can only make claims about your positions based about what you writes here. Could you tell me what other kinds of knowledge do you accept as valid?
No, you made a claim about me with absolutely no knoweldge of whether or not it was true. You didn't ask until you got called out for it.
Yes, I could tell you.
If it makes you feel better I can say I did a bad joke about you being a positivist.
There is literally nothing you could do to alter any emotion I have any any amount,
I would not be comfortable if someone labelled me as a positivist. That's why I said maybe you even aren't aware to be one.
No, you assumed I didn't know what it was and chose to attempt to speak down to me. Sucks for you that I actually know what posovitism is. You've yet to produce any evidence that you do. This might be an excellent lesson for you, you aren't as smart as you think you are and you should go around talking down to people, making ignorant claims and assumptions about them and then promoting those ignorant claims and assumptions as fact.
Maybe. But if I'm wrong it will not make a significant difference in purpose of life if our destination is complete oblivion.
Nope, the problem is that sharing and encouraging people to fall for deepitys and woo encourages things like anti-vaxxers and parents that think prayer will heal their child. It actually costs people their lives.
You know the real problem is if I'm right. That's makes one wonder about...
Once you explain how your definition of posotovism matches the one Nicolau posted (something you seem very eager to avoid), then you can explain how it's a "problem" if you are right.
I mean, this isn't /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep.