Oooh, Christian fight!
In this corner, we have cult A using scriptures out of context and claiming they mean things they don't. In that corner we have cult B denying the scriptures say what they plainly say.
Who will prevail?
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Oooh, Christian fight!
In this corner, we have cult A using scriptures out of context and claiming they mean things they don't. In that corner we have cult B denying the scriptures say what they plainly say.
Who will prevail?
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Viv, are you saying that if God communicated with you same as he did with Abraham before he decided to have faith and same as he did with Noah before he decided to build the ark, that is not proof?
Proof of what? That a flood would come? That I would be pregnant at 90? Proof that a god exists? Proof that I need to see a doctor? Proof that an incredibly advanced alien was pretending to be god?
How did Abraham know he was talking to god, specifically? Some guy writing down that some other guy talked to god isn't "proof" of anything.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Viv, every person mentioned in Hebrews 11 had proof from God
Hebrews 11:1, my friend. Why do you deny the words of Paul?
something that they observed and knew with certainty to be real- before they decided to have faith
Nooope. Noah built the ark before he saw the flood. Abraham went, by faith, so somewhere he had no proof of. Sarah had faith before she had proof she would bear a child.
All of your examples, when considered, show your claim to be false.
Even myself, without convincing evidence, I would not be able to have any faith, my mind would not trust something subjective 100 percent. The mind trusts proof.
That is literally the opposite of faith. You are denying what you were commanded to do as a Christian according to Paul.
Take for examples the wilderness trek, pillar of cloud, pillar of fire, the ten plagues, manna from the heavens, water from a rock, the red sea -and with all that proof Israelites still needed faith that God would keep his promise.
And the Israelites were called a faithless people. So what?
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Faith is about the future
Huh? Are you saying it's not possible to have faith or proof that something in the past happened? Or that something is happening right now? Hebrews 11:1 says it is both for the future and for what we do not see, as in the present.
But without solid proof, faith crumbles.
That's literally the opposite of how the Bible describes faith.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
The Bible records that consistently God always gave proof and never ever expected people to believe without solid evidence and that is why the Bible records that God gave Paul and those Christians back then sufficient proof.
Curious, then, that Paul then said to have faith and to not need proof. Was he going against god when he did that?
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
Your argument that there certainly was no resurrection rests on the assumption there is no God.
Whereas belief in the resurrection rests on the view that God exists and resurrection is a plausible act for such a being.
Interesting how you attempt to use words to frame these. One is an assumption, the other is a view. Wouldn't be more proper an accurate to say there no no evidence for god nor a resurrection and all evidence in existence points to neither of those things being true, whereas the assumption that both of those things are true has absolutely no backing in evidence whatsoever?
Wouldn't also be exactly as fair to so that the argument that Krampus doesn't exist is also an assumption, just as is it that Jesus didn't poop or have a wife? Or that you aren't made of invisible unicorn teapots orbiting Mars that we simply have no way to detect?
The problem is that once you give an equal weight to "can't prove it isn't true" claims, every claim is just a viable as the next because you've unshackled anything you say from reality.
1st corinthians 15 12-17. but if it is preached that christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even christ has been raised.
and if christ has not been raised, your faith is futile... .
I find that most atheist views, fly out the window if they encounter a spirit being, force, ghost whatever they want to call it and cant explain it scientifically
Where did you find this? How many people did you sample? How do you know their views before and after the event? How do you know it was a spirit or ghost? What are those things made of?
Some will change others will not, no matter what, because they dont want to believe.
I am sure that is true. However, would you expect anyone to change their views without evidence?
Science is like religion, it is dogmatically argued, you have believers and nonbelievers always.
Science is the opposite of dogma.
supposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
They believe the Old Testament foretold Jesus' betrayal. It would have to not be explicit because the various passages of scripture aren't explicit. The details given are: Jesus' betrayer would be someone close to him; and Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. That's enough for Christians.
It's not explicit but gives details? Interesting.
After all, the Bible doesn't state beyond doubt that in 33CE Jesus would be betrayed by Judas Iscariot.
It beyond a doubt absolutely does not state anything even remotely like that.
Christians have faith that this is accurate and correct.
Well, faith is about pretending to know things.
supposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
So you were never a JW, that answers my question.
No one answered your question, stop making things up.
Belittles debating, seriously? How terrible! How about your belittling of people who come on this forum because their family has been trapped in a fucking cult for decades.
Tell me, do you always make up ridiculous things or is this a special occasion? And yes, belittles debating. Based on your comments, you seriously could have learned a lot from a debate team.
supposedly the disciples witnessed jesus' super-power awesomeness first-hand.. so they were all 100% on-board to-the-death martyrs ... right?.
erm .... judas betrayed him.
thomas didn't believe he'd come back.
Yes, I think 'prophecy' means a foretelling of an event. True believers vary re details. Millions of Christians aren't too fussed on the details, it seems.
Then they aren't foretelling "an" event.
neither. If you'd read my previous posts on this thread, you'd realise that I'm not a believer in Bible prophecy. I said I was playing devil's advocate.
My question has no bearing on whether you are a believer or not. You said there was a prophecy foretelling something, I am trying to determine how you concluded it's a prophecy. If you are saying that people claim it's a prophecy, we then need to shift the question to "how are they defining prophecy".
yes, I said it sounds a bit silly. Strange that you chose not to answer that harmless question ...
Why is it strange that I choose not to answer silly questions?