I think the problem is that you might not want to admit that you didn't read my comments correctly
Let's see, shall we?
You wrote "Atheists have just as bloody and monstrous a record of violating human rights and slaughtering innocents in the name of their views as people of religion do."
Factually incorrect. Please show me which part I read incorrectly.
You wrote "Whether it is North Korea where religion has been totally outlawed..."
Factually incorrect. Please show me which part I read incorrectly.
You wrote "the People's Republic of China where freedom of religion is guaranteed as long as you freely practice according to that government's strict guidelines (or else face persecution, imprisonment, and sometimes forced conversion to the religion of China's choice):"
Factually incorrect. Please show me which part I read incorrectly.
You wrote "the inhuman treatment of the various communist regimes that ruled under atheism with a iron but very blood fist, people with no religion are just as capable of decapitating, gutting, and denying what they do to humans as people who claim to believe in God can."
Show me where any of that was done in the name of atheism and not, as I said, in an attempt to elevate the state.
You obviously have not done your homework about me or read my other comments. Sorry that you got the wrong idea.
I got the idea that you wrote factually incorrect things from the factually incorrect things you wrote (see above for examples), it didn't require any homework.