Ah , now we know the originator of that shhhhh secret society, who'd have thought tut tut !
JoinedPosts by galaxie
5,600 tomb found in Eqypt
by notsurewheretogo inhttp://tinyurl.com/l29vfmu.
"a 5,600-year-old tomb containing the scattered bones of a skeleton has been unearthed by archaeologists in southern egypt, says ali el-asfar, head of the ancient egyptian section at the countrys antiquities ministry.. a 32cm ivory statue of a bearded man, 10 ivory combs, and a number of tools and weapons were also found in the tomb by the hierakonpolis expedition team led by renee friedman.. the tomb was constructed before the dynasty of the pharaohs and unification of upper egypt, which stretched along the red sea, and lower egypt, to the north on the coast of the mediterranean, and should provide some incites into pre-dynastic egyptian rituals.. the discovery was made at hierakonpolis, ancient egyptian nekhen and capital of upper egypt, which was a vibrant and bustling city that stretched over 3km along the nile river.".
5,600 tomb found in Eqypt
by notsurewheretogo inhttp://tinyurl.com/l29vfmu.
"a 5,600-year-old tomb containing the scattered bones of a skeleton has been unearthed by archaeologists in southern egypt, says ali el-asfar, head of the ancient egyptian section at the countrys antiquities ministry.. a 32cm ivory statue of a bearded man, 10 ivory combs, and a number of tools and weapons were also found in the tomb by the hierakonpolis expedition team led by renee friedman.. the tomb was constructed before the dynasty of the pharaohs and unification of upper egypt, which stretched along the red sea, and lower egypt, to the north on the coast of the mediterranean, and should provide some incites into pre-dynastic egyptian rituals.. the discovery was made at hierakonpolis, ancient egyptian nekhen and capital of upper egypt, which was a vibrant and bustling city that stretched over 3km along the nile river.".
I bought into that, DAMN that adam!!!!
5,600 tomb found in Eqypt
by notsurewheretogo inhttp://tinyurl.com/l29vfmu.
"a 5,600-year-old tomb containing the scattered bones of a skeleton has been unearthed by archaeologists in southern egypt, says ali el-asfar, head of the ancient egyptian section at the countrys antiquities ministry.. a 32cm ivory statue of a bearded man, 10 ivory combs, and a number of tools and weapons were also found in the tomb by the hierakonpolis expedition team led by renee friedman.. the tomb was constructed before the dynasty of the pharaohs and unification of upper egypt, which stretched along the red sea, and lower egypt, to the north on the coast of the mediterranean, and should provide some incites into pre-dynastic egyptian rituals.. the discovery was made at hierakonpolis, ancient egyptian nekhen and capital of upper egypt, which was a vibrant and bustling city that stretched over 3km along the nile river.".
Is that KING TUT TUT ! perhaps the 400yr old adam visited the area for a vacation. Who can prove he didn't LOL !!!
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Oops spellcheck!!!!
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Hi space, anything which makes someone a better person is ok in my book. If only it was the case for all believers, unfotubately its not always the case as history can confirm
Best wishes to you .
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Affectionm loyalty; very admirable qualities, also very understandable in human terms, definately not supernatural.
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Addicts also maintain logical reasoning for their addictions, mainly, that they are not really addicted. I've heard it so many times.
Belief in god for many is a habitual addiction confirmed by the brains ability to make them rely on it for their comfort and crutch as a support for the inability to exist without it,
Very akin to most addictions .
In my humble opinion of course
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Some people return to nicotine, other drugs or alcohol after ' giving up ', probably because they cant fill the void in their life patterns that such things once satisfied
Could there be parallels with those who have become atheistic and find a void they cant satisfy and find comfort in their former life choices?
If so they are only returning to a false comfort as those people I have referred to.
In my humble opinion of course.
Trinitarians! Who is Jesus Christ's father the Holy Spirit or the Father?
by booker-t inthis is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
God is the daddy..
Jesus is the daddy.
The holy spirit is the daddy.
PS Do they all share the same Mammy.
Why did God/Jehovah/Jesus create Viruses and bacteria that can kill humans and animals?
by Jon Preston ini know this topic has been spoken about but i havent seen an official thead about it.
so theists why did god create these and why does he co tinue to allow them?
are they from the talking snake, satan?.
Sniff sniff, cough cough damn cold again oh no its in my chest I hope its not the flu sigh....thank you god I love your little viruses!!