Oh deets...that's so funny mine was feeling guilty about eating marshmallows !!!.
I think my jw sister still seperates the pink from the white.lol
Oh those crazy days.
as i mentioned in a recent thread, i've relatively new here.
have been lurking for a few weeks and just started posting.. one of the things i'm finding interesting about this site is how often someone posts a set of jw published material that contradicts each other.
for example the other day someone posted about lecithin.
Oh deets...that's so funny mine was feeling guilty about eating marshmallows !!!.
I think my jw sister still seperates the pink from the white.lol
Oh those crazy days.
are we imperfect from birth?.
there may be some scriptures that say we are imperfect from birth because of (fictitious) adams sin.
such verses make no sense like many other prima-facie meaningless verses such as joshua 10:13; isaiah 40:26; john 3:13;11:26 ........ however, there are scriptures that say we are capable of displaying perfection which is already within us.
Imperfection can only be measured against a standard of perfection.
Which yardstick you use to gauge this standard must come under scrutiny.
In the case of a human birth, what would the perfect standard be ? Have there been any ' perfect ' humans born ?
Imo the terms perfect or imperfect do not apply.
Every new born baby must be given the nurturing and opportunity to develop into a healthy free thinking adult to make the best of their life without having to question if they were borm imperfect.
Best wishes.
i first posted here on 3rd june 2008. at the time i was an elder, appointed the previous october, i was 36 and i was a born-in.
at the time i'd become disillusioned with the society due to the governing body's letter explaining why the book study in private homes was being abolished.
april 2008 saw me start questioning this decision, privately of course, and this eventually led me to this site, to jwfacts and to many youtube videos, all of which began to errode my faith in the leaders of the organisation.. in july 2008, having discussed my doubts with my wife, i attended the district convention, deciding to give the society one last chance to convince me it was the truth.
Great post..loved it !
Best wishes to you
when i discovered ervs and #2 chromosome i knew there was no personal god.
the rest is history.
i have always since kept updated in science as much as possible.. .
when i discovered ervs and #2 chromosome i knew there was no personal god.
the rest is history.
i have always since kept updated in science as much as possible.. .
Are we still trying to invent god ?!!
I thought that had been dine already..ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
i learnt this game on another site, and its great fun.
you name a song title and the next person names another title that has one of the words from the first one, making a chain of associations.. so far instance,.
our house...csny.....house of the rising sun.....bob dylan.... your turn... .
Around and around ...Chuck berry/ rolling stones,
i learnt this game on another site, and its great fun.
you name a song title and the next person names another title that has one of the words from the first one, making a chain of associations.. so far instance,.
our house...csny.....house of the rising sun.....bob dylan.... your turn... .
Black is black los bravos
hi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
Hi sparks...many people have very strong convictions regarding their beliefs. They take many forms and although they may differ from yours you must agree they also are completely convinced they are correct.
This behaviour is of course as a result of the human brains ability to be convinced/ influenced / deluded to satisfy a need.
This is of course not exclusive to jws,as you will know yourself of other faiths of the world that you yourself would categorise in this way.
Bearing that in mind you must realise it is actually possible you could well be deluded and not even realise it.
If you feel you have the truth you should be prepared to put it under scrutiny as myself and many others participating on this forum have done.
Many of us have felt exactly as you do now.
Please look at jwfacts.com and read crisis of conscience, if you really believe you have the truth it should stand up to ANY scrutiny.
Best wishes to you.
Bbc news just reported a statement from jws ...that family are JWs and medical decisions are personal joice and JWs always seek best madical care??!!
Just watching bbc news... jw issue is now in the frame , bur they ( the media ) are being a bit guarded in their comments at the moment.