Galaxie.., way out there, mysteries of space, how did it all come about !!!
Only kiddin! It was because I owned a 59 ford galaxie and had used the name as a code previously lol
i'm curious, why and how did you choose your username?.
does it hold any special significance for you, is there a share-able back story?.
for me sparrowdown is a playful reference to matt 10:29 and the title of the movie black hawk down.. matt 10:29 was my go-to scrip to "prove" that god cares about us as individuals.
Galaxie.., way out there, mysteries of space, how did it all come about !!!
Only kiddin! It was because I owned a 59 ford galaxie and had used the name as a code previously lol
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Good point caedes although somewhat romantic.
We all exist close enough to be friends allies and share each others cultural histories. Although go back far enough and we are a melting pot .
Myself I am pictish scots irish and believe it or not north american / canadian indian by way of the hudson bay co'.
Best wishes
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi tim...the US and other countries are absolutely entitled to handle their defence strategy as they think fit according to democratic process decision making.
Would anyone argue Scotland is not?
The nuclear question as a deterrent is for another thread me thinks?
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi joe,, You make some good debating points, most historical.
The present question is about democratic self governance, not Alex salmond , who will in my estimation be quickly voted out.
Nor is it about unique history, I agree with you on that premis,
Would you egree that Scotland has the right to decide it's own self determination?
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Hi joe...I wonder if the Welsh would give up their devolved powers or want more ?
I agree with you if Scotland gains independence a general election should follow sooner rather than later.
Re 16 / 17 yr olds ..My understanding is they can consent to sex in legal terms but the adult (teacher etc ) may have a case to answer if coercion , abuse of authority / position comes into question after a complaint..
The regions you mention re wanting to be self governed , enough people within a region who wish that situation should and would have a democratic right to push towards that aim.
The difference with that scenario in comparison to Scotland is they are regions within countries.
Perhaps with a new vision and democratic situation in Scotland their concerns will be better handled.
I like you have a feeling however that those opposed to independence may prevail, albeit it is too close to call.
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Research on British history;...very enlightening subject, but the present an future is what's applicable.
Anyone who thinks Braveheart is a documentary is a dumplin'.
Magnus magnusson : a fine and respected man, author and father of Sally, but there are many and varied accounts of Scottish hstory with bias truth and untruth abounding many
to uphold a cause religious or politically not discounting greed.
Again it is Scotlands present and future which is at stake.
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Cofty..I agree social justice does not depend on independence, its down to whether one believes that democracy for deciding your own governance can bring about a fairer society.
As a more socialist leaning country I believe we stand a better chance not withstanding it will take courage and time to build.
Nothing great and worthwhile for humanity was ever achieved by complacency.
I believe the snp will eventually fragment and that the socially concious people of Scotland will vote for better government than the status quo.
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Is there social justice in British nationalism?.
If there was,..a referendum may not have been called for
The various westminster gov'mts have only themselves to blame,
Scotland is not a region or state but a country in its own right.
I am not an snp or salmond fan, but democracy to enable a country to strive to look after its own affairs is a worthy goal.
Who would disagree?
Yes or no I hope social justice for all will come to the fore.
Best wishes.
Ps social justice is needed for many actions , if it helps children out of poverty it will surely be more than a tickling platitude. Who would disagree?
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .'s not about north sea oil or benefits it is fundementaly about democracy ie making our own decisions sink or swim, it is surely a countries right.
North sea oil or any oil off Scotlands shores for that matter is better served for our benefit no matter when it runs out.
Not forgetting it would not only run out for Scotlands benefit but of course runs out for all.
Better together has increasingly become a falsehood not only for Scots but for many areas of England Wales and N Ireland.
Perhaps and hopefully the Scots action may kick start a new future of shared prosperity for all on these islands.
Best wishes.
one thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
Caedes...Scottish culture will remain.
We would still remain part of these islands, we are not drifting into the atlantic.
Best wishes