fernando this so called evil step father according to religious belief was not created evil but supposedly a perfect angel, so he must have made a choice to become evil i.e.sin from where do you think he made this choice?In order to choose there has to be a selection, it then follows someone must provide the selection; example you cannot choose between an apple or an orange if you are not provided the selection.Therefore who provided the selection for the perfect angel who as you believe became the evil step father? It follows there is only one conclusion HIS CREATOR so the sin must have started with your so called heavenly father,therefore he must have came to earth to be horribly tortured and die to forgive himself WEIRDO.and remember i am only following your logic to its inevitable conclusion
JoinedPosts by galaxie
Christians please answer something for me
by confusedandalone inor should i say some things.... reading over another thread and a number of other threads i have to ask, why are we making excuses for jesus / god.. how can you fathom and all powerful god who created the universe and all the laws that govern it was not capable of:.
1. making sure the proper pronunciation of his name is not available.
2. that all his teaching are not preserved in an easy to discern manner so that ther is no confusion.
Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?
by jgnat inspinning off from another thread, have jesus' teachings been less than universally helpful to mankind?
how do we measure if a particular philosophy is helpful or harmful?.
i am going to use the "universal morals" listed here.
jgnat glad you have relaxed a little, i now know you get my point.Anyway breathing to me means breathing, why pick me up on punctuation when you substituted another word for it? i am not a mind reader oops !! thats another thread or maybe not didn't jesus read minds?LOL .HEY why not try reading a little slower cooool man.
Christians please answer something for me
by confusedandalone inor should i say some things.... reading over another thread and a number of other threads i have to ask, why are we making excuses for jesus / god.. how can you fathom and all powerful god who created the universe and all the laws that govern it was not capable of:.
1. making sure the proper pronunciation of his name is not available.
2. that all his teaching are not preserved in an easy to discern manner so that ther is no confusion.
John Mann by what Inspiration did Jesus speak truth into your heart by that I mean what method would he need to inspire him? And you say you had to love him before he did this? Surely love is unconditional otherwise according to the Christian ethos he would not have sacrificed himself to save you? You say he is the way and the life surely that is your hope which is related to faith which is related to hope etc.etc.etc but this belief does not guarantee the outcome you wish.
Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?
by jgnat inspinning off from another thread, have jesus' teachings been less than universally helpful to mankind?
how do we measure if a particular philosophy is helpful or harmful?.
i am going to use the "universal morals" listed here.
I agree your thread which has a topic heading composed by yourself ,I reiterate intellectual capacity on your part should understand that responding content to this topic(your topic)should be on that subject did I deviate? absolutely not! with respect I would say any deviation from the thread(your thread) was on your part! Why not stick to man's inhumanity to man as a result of YOUR topic perhaps you'd rather not think about it? Sorry to get of thread but I did control my breathing this time lol
Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?
by jgnat inspinning off from another thread, have jesus' teachings been less than universally helpful to mankind?
how do we measure if a particular philosophy is helpful or harmful?.
i am going to use the "universal morals" listed here.
Jgnat I know you must have the intellectual capacity to understand the context of my reference to mans inhumanity to man is jesus'teachings think of the history not to mention contemporary atrocities committed in the name of Jesus.Of course I agree mans inhumanity to man is prevelant because of other causes but that's for another thread
Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?
by jgnat inspinning off from another thread, have jesus' teachings been less than universally helpful to mankind?
how do we measure if a particular philosophy is helpful or harmful?.
i am going to use the "universal morals" listed here.
A lot of you(you'll know who you are)seem to be totally convinced of the authenticity of Jesus teachings there is absolutely no! Proof of it except by multiple hand accounts passed down for 2000yrs by humans who undoubtably were less well informed or educated as you are now and probably all were in positions of power and used the second/third/fourth,hand etc accounts for their own reasons usually to suppress less educated people we have surely come a long long way from that superstitious justification.I would urge you not to insult your intelligence by perpetrating this unnecessary belief system,it is possible to lead a good loving moral life without it and IMO would lead to a better society without it why do I think that? Check the history of conflict and destruction not to mention sorrow,bitterness, and mans inhumanity to man because of it.
Some vs Many
by Londo111 init is interesting how the watchtower uses these two words.
for instance, the word some is often used to minimize, and many used to maximize.
and yet, it is so unspecific that some might be a greater quantity than many, yet the mind doesnt process these words this way.. for instance, if it is a failed prediction or a changed teaching, they might say, some believed... when it fact some means most or all, because this was food at the proper time coming from gods channel through the watchtower.
watchtower speaks with many forked tongues, eh some forked tongues aww shit lets cut to the chase its all BS why waste your time and energy trying to decipher it
Freedom From Atheism Foundation
by Seraphim23 inin the interests of being fair, i feel i have to point out this facebook page.
after one minute of reading, i located at least one lie regarding the tyt or young turks presenter cenk.
they said he was an atheist so i pointed out that this is not correct as he self identifies as an agnostic.
Seraphim I agree with your last sentence!
This will be fun. What is your generation count?
by Defianttruth inthe wbts teaches a overlapping (generation) will not pass away since 1914 right?.
what is your personal genealogy.
(1) my great grand father was born in 1901. he became active with the bible students around 1910. .
I asked my jw sister this question while discussing the generation change , "if I showed you a photograph of my mother myself my son and his son how many generations is that? she did not even answer but just twisted her mouth and shrugged her shoulders! Says it all
Freedom From Atheism Foundation
by Seraphim23 inin the interests of being fair, i feel i have to point out this facebook page.
after one minute of reading, i located at least one lie regarding the tyt or young turks presenter cenk.
they said he was an atheist so i pointed out that this is not correct as he self identifies as an agnostic.
On the button adamah cherry picking the bible has caused the whole sorry mess IMO the JWs being probably the most prolific offenders.On the thread of atheism surely no one can deny that the human brain(that means ALL human beings)has an absolute limit beyond that limit who knows.After that its down to guess work and assumptions hence belief in gods then religions etc. All for usually some. form of control ring any bells anyone?