Any opinions on "spirit;...force giving life to a body" as per dictionary.
I don't see it as supernatural.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Any opinions on "spirit;...force giving life to a body" as per dictionary.
I don't see it as supernatural.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Force of life only in physical terms of pressure exerted by filling with oxygen nothing medieval or supernatural intended. I am willing to concede its a rather loose term brought about by the dictionary description.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Not exactly viv,..Breathing is only facilitated by force of life oxygen no force no breathing.
it is all physical spirit oxygen force of life
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Not exactly viv,..Breathing is only facilitated by force of life oxygen no force no breathing.
it is all physical spirit oxygen force of life
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
If the baby is born but fails to breath it dies no chance to breath the spirit or force of life
Ifit's lungs are underdeveloped they can't handle spirit or force of life effectively assistance would therefore be required for the baby to benefit from the force of life spirit oxygen to allow it a chance of survival.
WhatI meant by independent is independent of the mother who provided its oxygen in the womb.
As for the dictionary definition I suppose we would have to know what the composer of the description meant.
I prefer to see it as a physical force as opposed to supernatural.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Hi viv...I would say if a baby dies in the womb it has not benefited from the physical force of life it needs fir independent existence(from the mother) therefore no physical spirit in its lungs and no chance of developing the traits which would give rise to the content of your reply to my question thanks.
May I pose another...the first description of the word spirit in my Collins dictionary is FORCE of life would you
have an opinion on what it is referring to as force or if you think there is such a force related to spirit?2
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Sorry Viv I must have meant to ask but obviously didn't.
It was just to ask if you had an opinion on what can be called human spirit if you think there is such a thing and if so what you would describe it as?
Of course the baby has developed because of all the things you mention but baby will have no further existence unless it takes a breath.That is key to its future life and development of its descriptive spirit as I have outlined previously.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Viv,....I am not saying it's oxygen alone. The force is the air we breathe composite,but of course mostly oxygen.
You are of course correct to say we owe much more to our existence, and as you say without photosynthesis no oxygen. But you digress. The context is HUMAN spirit. Photosynthesis provided us with the force we humans cannot exist without.
The unborn child relies on the oxygen from its mother as did she and so on back. When the umbilical chord is cut how does the now independent child survive,? To what force does it owe its continuation of life? The force of air in its lungs. That is the spirit of life which then in turn is fundamental to our continuing our development until finally our last breath goes out and as some would say his/her spirit is finally gone, in other words no more. breath no more spirit for that individual.
I posed a question to you in a previous post have you any opinion?
Best wishes
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Hi viv;...I.m.o..everything you do is possible because of your own HUMAN spirit inc' your contributing to this forum.
Every breath you take allows you to continue in a spirited way ie as all human beings , whatever motivates us , exites us, gives rise to our personalities, which in turn is seen by others who may have an opinion on a persons spirit. In this scenario spirit is a descriptive word which can be used in place of;..attitude as in she has a bad attitude you could say she has a bad spirit.or I'm at a low ebb, could be I'm not in very good spirit. Or he is a very spirited person meaning he is very motivated.
So in these examples most people would understand what the word spirit meant in the context of the conversation.
All possible because we breathe and stay alive.
That initial breath at birth is the spirit (noun) as 1st definition in my Collins dictionary force giving life to a body.
That force is not supernatural but is the air we breathe
Our electrical stimulus to exite our lungs at birth would not have developed had it not been for the oxygen the baby needs.
It is ONLY because of oxygen any of us can have any so called spirit (remembering before there was ever such a word descriptive or otherwise there was the air we breathe )
The force of the air once the lungs are stimuled is the spirit which allows us to operate as human beings, motivating us to do things like for example asking questions on an Internet forum, congratulations Viv you are using your own spirit (descriptive for motivation ) every time you post or reply on this topic.
In my humble opinion of course .
Best wishes.
i've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Viv ; those things are the consequences of the efficacy of the air we breath on our bodies you are confusing metaphor with causal effect.
Yes there are many things we need for us to exist,but stick to the contextwhat's the first thing a human requires at birth? Exactly or no existence.
That first breath and the force on the lungs is the spirit bywhich we all exist. It's as fundamental as that.
Toying around with what ifs is distraction for distractions sake.
Do you think the word spirit can be applied in a physical human way if so what would be your description being that the dictionary first definition is a noun