Hi sparks...many people have very strong convictions regarding their beliefs. They take many forms and although they may differ from yours you must agree they also are completely convinced they are correct.
This behaviour is of course as a result of the human brains ability to be convinced/ influenced / deluded to satisfy a need.
This is of course not exclusive to jws,as you will know yourself of other faiths of the world that you yourself would categorise in this way.
Bearing that in mind you must realise it is actually possible you could well be deluded and not even realise it.
If you feel you have the truth you should be prepared to put it under scrutiny as myself and many others participating on this forum have done.
Many of us have felt exactly as you do now.
Please look at jwfacts.com and read crisis of conscience, if you really believe you have the truth it should stand up to ANY scrutiny.
Best wishes to you.