Think of all the past "truths" of Russell, Rutherford and Freddie Franz that have been abandoned, pushed into the background and hushed up...why? Because they were flat out untrue. The past can predict the future in some cases. Guess what will happen to a lot of the truth that's around will be gone too because it's not true either.
JoinedPosts by potleg
what proves jw's aren't true?
by jwfacts ini am inactive and it took years of doubt to convince myself the jw's arent true.
i started doubting because i hated the idea that jehovah would kill 6 billion non-jw's.
the thing now that is the most important proof for me is that until 1954 jw's worshipped jesus and it is still in the watchtower charter, even though you now get disfellowshipped for worshipping jesus.
Should the Governing Body Have Yearly Mental Fitness Check Up By A Qualifie
by frankiespeakin in.
should the governing body have yearly mental fitness check up by a qualified pychologist to make sure they are not mentally ill since they have such an important work as stated in the 4/15 p. 29 watchtower: thus the governing body can spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.1/15, pages 29, 31.. if they have such an important work as this,, one would think it mandatory that they have a check up at least once a year, that's not to much to ask is it?
Reminds me of Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) song "the Fletcher Memorial Home"...
Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
and build them a home, a little place of their own
a home for incurable tyrants and kings
and they can appear to themselves every day on closed circuit TV
to make sure they're still real
it's the only connection they still feel...
did they expect us to treat them with any respect
they can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles
and amuse themselves playing games for a while
boom boom bang bang lie down you're dead...
Is everyone in?
Are you having a good time?
Now the final solution can be applied
My Anger is Building & Building
by LouBelle inhey everyone - i have this anger, perhaps rage boiling within me, it has been for the past week since i was disassociated.
my feelings of dislike are turning to bitterness & hate against this organisation.
i learnt today that the elders have lied to my family.
Iwas angry with various elders and the borg for a long time and I have to admit there is still a vein of bitterness deep inside me, but a while ago I realized that I cared nothing for people who had lied to me and about me. Now if I don't hold them in any regard why let them influence me and make me feel bad or angry? When I began to get this in my head (which isn't easy) I began to see how ridiculous these so-called shepheards really are. Tell your friends your side of the story, if they want to be loyal to an organization that is clearly corrupt and run by inept men with no compassion then so be it.There are more good people on the outside than inside. Take it one day at a time and keep comming back here.Remember the Watchtower org. is all about power and control don't let them control you any longer.
marriage in the new system
by gringojj inluke 20:33- 36 talks about there will be no marriage after the ressurection.
my wife doesnt understand this and i know nothing about it.
what is the wts stance on these verses?
Another two tier arrangement. The WT backs itself into another corner by trying to be a know it all.What about all the young people to be resurrectedwho never experienced the joy of sex? Will they have no desire for sex and the opposite sex? Yeah right...I know a couple of old timers that say once the new system is full God will abolish marrage because the original comand to be fruitfull will have been fulfilled. Maybe it works for them..and what about God deciding who will or wont be allowed to have kids? Remember this religion has for a large part of it's life been run by old men who are out of touch with reality.
On a whim, stopped by the library for books on Jerusalems destruction
by ithinkisee inso i was driving by the library on my way home today and remembered i do have a library card and decided to go in and do my own research on 607 bce.
i figured i might find a book or two in our little old library.
i did a search on the library's computers for "jerusalem history" and got a handful of books ... i wrote down the dewey decimal number (or whatever it is) of one of them (they are all in the same general section) and headed to the reference wing of the library.
Guess who came to my door...?
by darkuncle29 injehoovers?.
nope.. two yummy mormon missionaries?.
no.. two lovely baptist ladies.. i told them i was ex jw, and mentioned that the jws have this smugness that they think they are the only ones who go door to door.
I've had people stop too, casuall dress with only a bible and a small tract inviting interested ones to their church. No canned message no confrontation or literature to buy or donate for, just a simple few words and even though I wasn't interested they weren't pushy at all. I always believed that real preaching should be simply sharing your experience from the heart of how your particular faith has been a blessing in your life and then inviting others to share it. Reminds me of when I was a teenager, I had a friend who hated the ministry, his presentation was" hey, you want to by some magazines". He's long gone and better off.
Bethany Hughes case -
by Toronto_Guy in
bethany hughes had a choice to make and it cost her her life.
the 17-year-old alberta resident was a devout jehovahs witness who was diagnosed with leukemia.
Sadly individual lives dont matter much to the organization, What really counts is loyalty to thier orders even if it means giving up your life. The part that really digusts me is they can change what's right or wrong any time without any apollogy or thought to the consequences to individuals. Remember when organ transplants were a no-no? How many people have to be sacrificed on the Watchtower alter?
Should the Governing Body Have Yearly Mental Fitness Check Up By A Qualifie
by frankiespeakin in.
should the governing body have yearly mental fitness check up by a qualified pychologist to make sure they are not mentally ill since they have such an important work as stated in the 4/15 p. 29 watchtower: thus the governing body can spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.1/15, pages 29, 31.. if they have such an important work as this,, one would think it mandatory that they have a check up at least once a year, that's not to much to ask is it?
Looking back at 1905
by Nathan Natas inthe year 1905. .
what a difference a century makes!.
here are some of the u.s. statistics for 1905:.
what proves jw's aren't true?
by jwfacts ini am inactive and it took years of doubt to convince myself the jw's arent true.
i started doubting because i hated the idea that jehovah would kill 6 billion non-jw's.
the thing now that is the most important proof for me is that until 1954 jw's worshipped jesus and it is still in the watchtower charter, even though you now get disfellowshipped for worshipping jesus.