Yeah that really disgusts me too. JW's can't celebrate anything that elevates people or puts them on a pedestal. So what do they do? They make celebrities of people like this. Who said the greatest would be the servant. When has any member of th GB ever served the rank and file? They've lived an exaulted life and loved it too. Watchtower super stars...pathetic old men
JoinedPosts by potleg
** Carey Barber, GB Member approaches 100. **
by truthseeker incarey barber, born july 4th 1905 has almost made his century.
fred franz came close at 99 years old, and he died around 1992.. so what does bro barr get for his 100th birthday?
forget it - to him, turning 100 is "just another day.
I was wrong, CT Russell was something of a prophet after all...
by jaffacake ini am reading studies in the scriptures (1911) thy kingdom come..on page 145 ct russell describes what is wrong with religions of his day and their sunday schools & bible studies, ie people belong to earthly religions or organisations.
was he describing other sects of his day, or did he forsee what his bible students would eventually become?
methods hinder real growth in knowledge of truth...guarded, pointed questions, with prepared answers and no time left for the bible hungry study, skilfully directed, so that he may get no new ideas...brief sessions [one hour] more agreeable than bible study...they are led to feel they have performed a duty, and a sacrifice.
Bottom line: Russell was a crank. the world would have been better off without him.
** Carey Barber, GB Member approaches 100. **
by truthseeker incarey barber, born july 4th 1905 has almost made his century.
fred franz came close at 99 years old, and he died around 1992.. so what does bro barr get for his 100th birthday?
forget it - to him, turning 100 is "just another day.
So he's given his whole long life to the Watchtower what, considering all the damage it's brought upon people he and all his GB comrades should be ashamed THEY HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING GOOD.
20 years ago..a talk concerning field service..sisters crying..eyes opened
by confusedjw inwell i can't recall now which public talks it was - one of my first - and it dealt with field service / preaching.
so i thought i would interview several people in the congregation about service and their thoughts and feelings on the subject, expecting something very different than what i got.
to my shock (i was an over zealous young buck who thought the sun rose and set on the wt) three sisters burst into tears as they told about their feelings of inadequacy and guilt over field service.
I never really had a problem talking to anyone or striking up a long as it wasn't about religion! I never enjoyed field service although I was a pioneer. Toward the end of my JW life I remember being out in service with a brother who was trying to refute the reasoning of the housholder, it occured to me that I agreed with the man we had called on and the witness was just talking nonsense. I couldn't go out "on the work" after that.
This is the first time I have EVER,,,
by Bumble Bee incompletely missed a dc!.
woo hoo .
i just didn't seem to get around to going last weekend.. bb.
Fantastic, now don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you. Just remember how good it felt NOT to be there.
Mothers Doubts: Latest Update
by diamondblue1974 infurther to my previous thread i thought i would share an update with you on the situation with my mother... .
essentially my mother has been a jw for 30 years and we had a long conversation which involved me running through my reasons for no longer going to the meetings; she seemed quite receptive and agreed for me to send the documents and articles relating to the un.
well that very evening she went to see her elders without actually seeing the documents and asked about the un saga....apparently the elder told her that 'this was all sorted out ages ago and yes this has come from the apostates' 'the society has never been a member of the un and that this just a hoax designed to stumble people....' hmmn.
I've also been in this situation, my mother says the brothers have always acted with the best interests of the flock in mind so she'll stick with them. I've offered my help and it's still there...but if a drowning person refuses the grab a rope etc...She has to be the one to go to the next step and check things out, just let her know you'll be there. However you could chip away at her trust in the org a little at a time, maybe you could call the branch office and confirm that Paul Gillies is a brother then just mention in a conversational way that guess what Gillies does really exist etc. Sometimes you don't smash a wall, you take it apart one brick at a time.
what proves jw's aren't true?
by jwfacts ini am inactive and it took years of doubt to convince myself the jw's arent true.
i started doubting because i hated the idea that jehovah would kill 6 billion non-jw's.
the thing now that is the most important proof for me is that until 1954 jw's worshipped jesus and it is still in the watchtower charter, even though you now get disfellowshipped for worshipping jesus.
They fear open and honest debate because they must control their followers. Direction and instruction must always come from the top down. Besides, if open discussion and debate were permitted it would also follow that people would have more choice in what they would or wouldn't do. Field service would all but dry up along with the forced donations to the org. People would actually start enjoying things in life without guilt. Of course the organization will never give up control and allow debate and questioning because the know they don't have a leg to stand on on many of their rules and regs. Like a small minded bullying tyrant it's do as I say or you'll be sorry.
I was wrong, CT Russell was something of a prophet after all...
by jaffacake ini am reading studies in the scriptures (1911) thy kingdom come..on page 145 ct russell describes what is wrong with religions of his day and their sunday schools & bible studies, ie people belong to earthly religions or organisations.
was he describing other sects of his day, or did he forsee what his bible students would eventually become?
methods hinder real growth in knowledge of truth...guarded, pointed questions, with prepared answers and no time left for the bible hungry study, skilfully directed, so that he may get no new ideas...brief sessions [one hour] more agreeable than bible study...they are led to feel they have performed a duty, and a sacrifice.
Russell wouldn't recognize the witnesses as they are today. He had many crackpot ideas but I get the feeling he had more compassion for the flock of his day...Rutherford managed to put an end to that.
28 Years Later...Do I ask Jehovah where he is? Or do I still wait on him???
by Apostanator insince i was told to wait on jehovah, the brother who raped my ex-wife had just turned 83. what happens if he dies before jehovah gets here?
the elders told me that jehovah would take care of things soon.
so my question is, what's your definition of soon?
wait on Jehovah is code for "we dont have a clue what to do,we cant figure it out, let's sweep it under the carpet and we'll pretentd this sort of thing doesn't happen in our spiritual paradise, go away and leave us alone". If you hear "wait on Jehovah" you'd better do something because you can be sure the elders or the borg won't.
** Carey Barber, GB Member approaches 100. **
by truthseeker incarey barber, born july 4th 1905 has almost made his century.
fred franz came close at 99 years old, and he died around 1992.. so what does bro barr get for his 100th birthday?
forget it - to him, turning 100 is "just another day.
I wonder if he looks back and remanices over all the failures and dissapointments...1914, 1925,1975, the generation that was then wasn't going to be alive...what a record of the blind leading the blind.