Any organization that's got it's followers to believe in old truths, new truths, past and present truths, is messed up. What they don't want is to admit the real truth... that they are the blind leading the blind.
JoinedPosts by potleg
2005 "Godly Obedience" District Convention Report
by CyrusThePersian ini don't post much and this is the first thread i've ever started so please bear with me.
i wanted to give my obsevations on the 2005 "godly obedience" district convention.if the things i say are redundant, i apologize.
anyways, i was coerced into going by my daughter.
Deep Impact
by the_classicist in.
apparently, nasa is going to blow a stadium sized hole in a comet on the 4th of july.
the spacecraft doing this will be named "deep impact"; apparently the fact that it has the same name as a dooms-day movie is only a "coincidence".
Hey, just hold on there...didn't old Joe Rutherford say that mankind would never be able to leave the envelope of the earth's atmosphere? Maybe all those moon landings, shuttle flights and now blowing up asteroids is fake. Somebody's telling lies...maybe it was the angels that were whispering in his ear.
New here.....kinda
by lola28 inhey everyone, this is my first post and i'am terrefied.
i have been lurking for over a year and finally decided that it was time to post.
i feel like i know all of you and feel more at home here than at the kingdom hall.
Welcome, you'll find you have more in common with us here than you ever had at the KH. I remember when I told the school overseer that I no longer wanted to be assigned talks ( I'd been giving them for over 25 years, assemblies too) he just said "OK" and that was that. No one ever followed up with me either.
Source of Flood Waters
by VM44 ini do not have access right now to the watchtower cd library, could someone check and tell me what the watchotwer now says is the source for the great flood waters?.
do they still believe the theory of isaac vail that the waters came from above and that there was a water canopy in orbit about the earth?
or does the watchtower now say that the canopy was a vapor layer, not in orbit, but a simply above the atmosphere?.
ya just gotta have faith, wait on jehovah, don't worry be happy. Translation: Don't ask questions, look like a sap, go out more in the ministry.
Problems in paradise
by gringojj ini know there are a ton of problems with the idea of paradise.
i was just thinking about how much sense it doesnt make.
for example how is it supposed to work as far as housing arrangements?
Building houses etc sounds like hard work to me..I thought we'd all be like Adam and Eve, walking around naked eating fruit and enjoying the warm breeze.
Did it ever bother you that Watchtower never did charitible works?
by AK - Jeff ini mean, for forty years believing the witness lie it always made me wonder.. judas was the keeper of the money box - and there are statements that indicated that the apostles thought that wasting money that could be used to aid the poor was sinful - so indications are that the earliest christians were doing charitible works.
of course there are many scriptural passages that encourage that activity among believers.
today all the organization ever does is pay lip service to charity.
Yes, even as a kid I felt the org. was mean, I never thought much of the witness type charity work. Why not open a food pantry, work with the homeless etc? Because they don't want to get too involved with worldly people. I think it would do more good to give out a magazine with a free meal or stuff a tract into a bag of free groceries rather than letting them pile up in a laundymat. Everything has to be on witness terms...become a witness then maybe you'll get some help. Even then it's a big maybe. But then look at the scrooge types running the show. As I've said before they lack genuine chistian compassion.
** Carey Barber, GB Member approaches 100. **
by truthseeker incarey barber, born july 4th 1905 has almost made his century.
fred franz came close at 99 years old, and he died around 1992.. so what does bro barr get for his 100th birthday?
forget it - to him, turning 100 is "just another day.
Carey Barber (and others) may have problems feeding themselves and using the bathroom but they have no problem telling others to flush their lives down the toilet.
2005 "Godly Obedience" District Convention Report
by CyrusThePersian ini don't post much and this is the first thread i've ever started so please bear with me.
i wanted to give my obsevations on the 2005 "godly obedience" district convention.if the things i say are redundant, i apologize.
anyways, i was coerced into going by my daughter.
I think the society is fighting a loosing battle.. People today are a lot more savy and they want real answer to real questions. The old idea of just believe and trust us isn't working too well anymore. Look at the world wide report. The internet and access to older society publications show them to be the gas bags they are. If you want to be a happy JW don't trust anyone and stick your head in the Watchtower. As time passes they get further away from reality.
2005 "Godly Obedience" District Convention Report
by CyrusThePersian ini don't post much and this is the first thread i've ever started so please bear with me.
i wanted to give my obsevations on the 2005 "godly obedience" district convention.if the things i say are redundant, i apologize.
anyways, i was coerced into going by my daughter.
More new wont get what we've been promising for decades...makes me feel sooo good ...the idea of dying before the new system. Suprise, suprise.
I was wrong, CT Russell was something of a prophet after all...
by jaffacake ini am reading studies in the scriptures (1911) thy kingdom come..on page 145 ct russell describes what is wrong with religions of his day and their sunday schools & bible studies, ie people belong to earthly religions or organisations.
was he describing other sects of his day, or did he forsee what his bible students would eventually become?
methods hinder real growth in knowledge of truth...guarded, pointed questions, with prepared answers and no time left for the bible hungry study, skilfully directed, so that he may get no new ideas...brief sessions [one hour] more agreeable than bible study...they are led to feel they have performed a duty, and a sacrifice.
And the idiot show must go on, from Russell to today. It might be amusing if it hadn't destroyed so many lives and caused so much unhappiness. Think about it, what really has been acomplished for the good?