re: feet-man
A friend of mine worked for the Salvation Army, and often saw people like this. When helped many would just revert to their old habits (of not wearing shoes, or sleeping under a tree, whatever...) At the end of the day, some people are just more comfortable with being their own person... even if that means hardship. Of course help is still offered and given in the spirit of love, as longsuffering, as patience, as brotherly love, as kindness, as gentleness.
JoinedPosts by UpAndAtom
It can always be worse. Be thankful.
by Sparkplug inbut really, i went to the store today and was spending my last few bucks till friday buying eggs and taters.
i found a freaking slim slice of meat at a reasonable price and some frozen veggies.. so i check out and think...hah, i made it with 10 dollars left.
good job.
Global Dimming?
by frankiespeakin in
Debaters: Let's have It Out !
by Amazing inthis thread was going to be about the true church.
but i simply changed the title.
okay ... so my experience thread set the stage for what seems to be a need to debate catholicism ... maybe because in the minds of many, there is a comparison to the watchtower ... a comparison which i believe is false.
To quote a source of information far wiser than I...
"...the church is within yourself and not in any pope nor preacher, nor in any building but in self! For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God, and the Christ becomes a personal companion in mind and in body; dependent upon the personality and individuality of the entity as it makes practical application of the tenets and truths that are expressed."
Edgar Cayce Reading 5125-1 -
Thanks for the "Daily Text"
by TheHypnoToad inmy mother just sent us a daily text.
well i needed it.
it was quite useful, i used it to kill a bug and throw it (bug and daily text) away.
How does one prepare for a meeting?
by UpAndAtom inhow does a typical jw that has been in the organization many years prepare for a typical sunday meeting?
what happens if they don't?
Thanks for sharing everyone. It seems the highlighting is one of the things that this religion should be know for. I am unaware of any other group or organization that expects members to highlight magazines. Since it seems expected, you would think they would provide space in and around the magazine text to fill-in-the-answers. What's next; hand your magazines in at the end of a meeting to get corrected?
So what happens when a non-JW shows up spontaneously at a Kingdom Hall? Wouldn't they be completely out of place and have no idea what's going on (since they have not studied)? It doesn't seem to leave room for non-JW's to enter a discussion... does it? -
How does one prepare for a meeting?
by UpAndAtom inhow does a typical jw that has been in the organization many years prepare for a typical sunday meeting?
what happens if they don't?
Thanks for the input everyone. I'm surprised at the number of response regarding highlighting.
If someone never highlights their book, but still gives answers is that somehow frowned apon?
Do wise and knowledgeable elders in the congregation still highlight their magazines?
The Sunday meeting is starting to sound like an exam one has to study for, but are there consequences for not studying?
I ask because I recently heard someone say they had to study, and I thought to myself, 'What for?' -
How does one prepare for a meeting?
by UpAndAtom inhow does a typical jw that has been in the organization many years prepare for a typical sunday meeting?
what happens if they don't?
UPDATE!: THEY ALL ADMITTED EGGING US -Elders now know, heads are rolling!!
by Lady Liberty inoh.... how the saga goes on!!
i swear we could write a novel about our life exiting the watchtower!!
ok..many of you read what happened..our house was egged and so was my sisters car that was parked here, and "frosty" was attacked!!
I suppose my answer depends on the spirit in which the 'crime' was committed. I can't have you thinking I'm insensitive. I draw a distinction between groups that actively promote hate, and spur of the moment immature behaviour which I think this was.
Regardless, I hope that I would have the courage of conviction to forgive and forget in any scenario you present me with, and to ask for forgiveness from my maker when I found it too hard.
There's nothing to be gained by escalating this.
I like your screen name. -
If there is no life after death
by onacruse inso where does that leave us?
leave me?.
the logical consequence would be that i should get absolutely every little piece of self-gratification i can get before i die.
I can sympathize with your thoughts. I think many intelligent people eventually ask themselves this question. The people that don’t find an answer go right ahead and do whatever they want. This has always been a dangerous place for spirit creatures to live in fleshy form. I have asked myself the same questions. Taking stock of your ideals is certainly a good way to find an answer.
In the end, it was the kind words I received from friends, neighbours and complete strangers on the Internet that brought me a joy I don’t think I could ever obtain by being selfish (I help people, friends and neighbours in person and via the Internet) It’s a wonderful feeling and although I feel spiritually rich, I am in fact materially poor.
I feel the pinch at the end of my working week after the bills have been paid; so I’ll be there for you if you ever decide to evaluate your options, and figure that you’ll have more luck conquering a small nation, instead of yourself. I’ll be there to support you, to make you smile when you are downhearted and sad, to lift your load when it’s too heavy to bear, in gentleness, in kindness, in long-suffering, in patience, in mercy and brotherly love. I won’t have you go down that path alone, and I promise to visit you in jail -
UPDATE!: THEY ALL ADMITTED EGGING US -Elders now know, heads are rolling!!
by Lady Liberty inoh.... how the saga goes on!!
i swear we could write a novel about our life exiting the watchtower!!
ok..many of you read what happened..our house was egged and so was my sisters car that was parked here, and "frosty" was attacked!!
Am I the only one that thinks it's funny for a middle age man to knock over a snow man! That's about as harmless as it gets - quite amusing really! Forgive and forget. Laugh it off. Anything is just going to cause trouble. All this trouble over a friggen SNOW man for crying out loud and a couple of eggs! (and YES I have been the victim of an egg attack on my car's paint in Summer). Good fences make good neighbours.