Mom, step-father and brother all baptized years before me--Baptized and married young--regular pioneered and endured physically abusive marriage with JW husband for almost 7 years--offered to disassociate myself after filing for divorce but was disfellowshipped instead--uncertain as to the reason, but I told them that I wanted no part of an organization that insisted I either stay with a mentally ill man who was threatening to kill me or remain single until I could prove he had sexual relations with someone else. Been out more than 20 years and VERY HAPPY NOW: married to a wonderful man, have a fullfilling job and a wide circle of friends from every walk of life.
Hi. My name is Paul Grundy. I grew up in Hobart, Tasmania and have lived in Sydney since I was 20. I spent the first 35 years of my life thinking I was worshipping God, but was in reality following the misconceptions of the Watchtower Society. I am now extremely opposed to the techniques used by the Organisation. I have written a book and posted some of it on a website at and .................................. I pioneered and was in bethel for over 7 years, and feel my life is only just catching up to where it should be by now if it was not for the wasted years. Emotionally I feel possibly 10 years behind. They say drugs hold people back from developing emotionally, somehow dependence on an Organisation to tell you how to feel about every aspect of your life seems to have the same effect. In 1995 I realised things were not right, but it was not until December 2004 I feel I made a complete mental break. It is traumatic, but after six months I started to notice the beauty of life, something that died in me a long time ago. ....................................................... My extended family are virtually all Witnesses, some in full time service, one is even a Circuit Overseer. I play over in my mind endlessly what I will say to convince them of the errors of the Organisation, but it never quite gets through. I live in hope as I know the Watchtower has started to become irrelvant and its demise it just a matter of time. The Internet allows facts to be found very quickly for those willing to search and is the biggest threat to the lie that masquerades as The Truth.
just fine