JW for 25 years - publisher, MS, temp-Bethelite then back peddled. Fortunate to leave with wife and both children. All healing now, and moving on.
Raised as JW. Pioneer/Bethel service. Fired from Bethel. College with two degrees
I was raised in a very devout jw family. I was a regular pioneer for 20 years. My husband , who had been trying for years to get me to see, handed me Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom . Once I read Ray's books all the pieces of the puzzle came together.
Hi! I just like to pop in here once in a while to hear about things you'd never hear about in the org. through regular channels. I don't feel it's right for a man made organization to have absolute power, as absolute power eventually corrupts absolutely. Therefor, I really only look to the Bible and God for guidance, and I never, put faith or trust in mere men or an organization in which the members don't even know the leaders names. I don't feel it is right that the WTBS claim They are the mediator for all those not of the 144,000 - that is pure drivel. I am learning and discovering more and more about the WTBS, it's false prophecies, slanted doctrine, blood issue, and much more from doing my own research. I feel so guilty for being conned by this man-made organization for so long.
was a jw for 15 years, been out now for 12, one daughter still in
William Penwell
I was raised in the Jdub religion but started to fade after the 1975 fiasco. I have made a complete break the last 20 years. Although there never is a complete break when I still have family in the cult.
Questions I had but was afraid to ask. 1). Is God partial? Does he really hold out 2 hopes for Christians? The Early Bird Special with eternity in heaven for faith in Jesus Christ, and the Johnny come lately hope of working out your salvation through dedication and living up to it by supporting promotional offers of the Watchtower Society. 2). Is there a first century Christian precedent supporting building religious edifices, dedicating them and implying God's spirit inhabits and supports the activities expressed within their walls? 3). Is the Gospel message about Grace, Love, Forgiveness , Repentance and Reconciliation? Or is it about identifying the 'sole channel' or intercessor between God and men and obeying their directives loyally and unquestionably?