Served as a regular pioneer for two years, a ministerial servant for one year, and an elder for 10 years. Left in 1984 after reading Crisis of Conscience.
First contact with JW's at age 9. My dad's boss was a JW. He and his wife had a Bible study with us. After my dad got a new job (when I was about 12-13), he discontinued the studies. When I was 15, my dad had some kind of (probably drug-induced)hallucination that he had participated in the heavenly judgment of his friend who died in a coal mine cave-in. Did I mention that my family was crazy? As a result, he felt like we should attend the Baptist Church near our house. The church brought in an evangelist, Jack Van Impe, to conduct a revival. Mr. Van Impe preached against JW's, which made me (did I mention I was stupid?) think the JW's must be "right" because they seemed a threat to this obviously wealthy and influential evangelist. Being a JW actually made my life better initially. My parents were physically and psychologically abusive, addicted, and crazy. Whenever I was at the meetings and in field service, I was away from them experiencing love bombing. Eventually, I was baptized, the love bombing stopped, I married and elder and had an insider's view of the borg. It was not pretty. I had to get out. I did.
Questions I had but was afraid to ask. 1). Is God partial? Does he really hold out 2 hopes for Christians? The Early Bird Special with eternity in heaven for faith in Jesus Christ, and the Johnny come lately hope of working out your salvation through dedication and living up to it by supporting promotional offers of the Watchtower Society. 2). Is there a first century Christian precedent supporting building religious edifices, dedicating them and implying God's spirit inhabits and supports the activities expressed within their walls? 3). Is the Gospel message about Grace, Love, Forgiveness , Repentance and Reconciliation? Or is it about identifying the 'sole channel' or intercessor between God and men and obeying their directives loyally and unquestionably?