Hyghlandyr My email is [email protected] and [email protected] I check the phirst most ophten.
William Penwell
I was raised in the Jdub religion but started to fade after the 1975 fiasco. I have made a complete break the last 20 years. Although there never is a complete break when I still have family in the cult.
The Watchtower Society infested my life when I was 6 years old and my parents began Studying™ with the JWs. I wanted to quit going to Meetings™ in my teens and had to deal with the ugliness of JW bullying without the support that exists now. Baptized™ at 17, mostly to gain the approval of my parents, I parroted the answers that were expected when was being prepared for Baptism™. By the time I was 30, a health crisis in my life showed me the JWs' true colours, and my doubts reached critical mass. I became interested in Social Psychology and began watching a university course presented on the subject - the lectures about group dynamics and mind control techniques opened my eyes and I decided that I wanted to leave the JWs once and for all. I had to be sure that my family would leave too - it took almost a year for me to convince my spouse that the JWs did not have The Truth™. January 1, 1995 marks when our "fade" began.
Ex elder now "Inactive" , details spared because of family connections
Dark Knight
<div>The morning's bitterness<br>I taste on your lips<br>Defiling the embrace<br>That you impose on me.<br>And the bleakness <br>Of the bedroom walls<br>Yell obscenities <br>In reply to my confession.<p></p>What else shall I breath<br>But the fumes of fiery breath,<br>The winsome words of hatred<br>And the tortuous relief of betrayel.<br>Instinct no longer plays a part<br>In this mockery of survival.<br>Only some dark and twisted force<br>To shape the relic of my former self.</div>