A Tug on the Leash (The Authority Which the GB Wields Over the R&F)

by Oubliette 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    Recently, several comments have been made in various threads in reference to some of the recent changes to a few of the rules by which Jehovah's Witnesses must live their lives in unquestioning compliance. The assertion has been made that these rules are a "relaxing" of previous restrictions. The suggestion has been made that this somehow indicates a corresponding relaxing or loosening or lessening of the authority which the Governing Body (GB) holds over the Rank and File (R&F) members of the religion. This is not true.

    Besides the fact that that conclusion does not follow logically from the premise, there is a much more important aspect which we must consider. It is not necessary to get sidetracked in the supposed merit of any doctrinal changes or religious practices, because those are not the real issue. As should be obvious by now to anyone paying even the least bit of attention, and despite any "True Believer" JW rhetoric to the contrary: Doctrine does not matter!

    It is all really about just one thing: the relationship between those in authority and those under that authority.

    If a person in authority changes the rules that those under their control must unquestioningly obey, there has still been no change in their respective relationship. It is the nature of their relationship which is the point and not the details of the rules. Any aspect of the change in the rules is really irrelevant, even if they seem to allow the R&F more latitude or discretion in decision making. Why?

    Because of this simple fact: the authority figure still controls the choices and they still have the power to enforce the consequences of any disobedience in following the rules.

    I recently bought a new collar for my dog. She was very excited to get it and have me put it on. Why? I'm sure it was because she knew that meant that we were going for our daily walk, something she looks forward to with great eagerness. So she got a new pretty collar. We are still both on the same ends of the leash as before. I'm the Master, she's the dog.

    As dogs are known to do, she likes to smell the markings left by all the other neighborhood dogs as they take their walks. Occasionally, she will linger longer than I like at some particular point. Call me impatient, I don't care. I tug on the leash to get her attention and off we go, continuing on our way.

    When the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses change some rules or doctrines or whatever, they are actually reasserting their power over the Rank and File members of the religion. In a very tangible way, it is a reminder that it is they that are in control.

    This is what they did recently with the somewhat controversial series of study articles in the July 15th, 2013 Watchtower. Before the congregatons all over the world considered those articles, the majority of JWs believed one thing about several key points of JW "theology," and after studying the articles they were all expected to compliantly change all those beliefs simply because they were told to.

    And in case anyone missed the point about those changes or any potential future changes (and there will be changes), all congregations were reminded just a couple of weeks ago during their weekly Watchtower study how they should respond to "direction" and "instruction" from the organization:

    • At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. - WT Study Edition, November 15, 2014, p. 20, paragraph 17

    The "simplified" edition words it somewhat more strongly:

    • "But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not ... ."

    Do not be misled by any sentimental notion of a kinder, gentler Governing Body. That's nonsense.

    When the GB make any changes, they are in fact affirming their authority, confirming their control.

    It's a tug on the leash.

    Choke chain

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  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Well analysed Oubilette.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Voltaire: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."


    Jehovah's Witnesses cannot question the GB, without risking certain and immediate expulsion. "It is the nature of their relationship which is the point and not the details of the rules."


    End of discussion.


    Thanks for the great comments, Oubliette.

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    Awesome!! What a cultish WT study today!! Friggin watchtards!!


  • Finkelstein

    In light of the fact that the WTS. doctrines are truly looking like fraudulent bits of misinformation concerning the End Of Times ( This Generation ) Etc.

    Also the admitting by the WTS. recently that the GB heads got ahead and made some bad pronouncements

    concerning these supposed times, tells a tale that they themselves know of their precarious predicament.

    That being so, is it surprising that the GB heads have now turned up the loyalty and non-questioning

    subjection directed toward R&F JW members ?

    I don't think so !

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  • Oubliette

    Slidin Fast, thanks. Glad you approve!

    ADCMS, I love that Voltaire quote. I've posted it here on JWN several times myself!

    Data-Dog, I couldn't agree more.

    Finkelstein, that's a really good point. In fact, that's why the GB turn their attention to the R&F the way they do, to keep the questions off of themselves, their behavior, their hypocrisy and contradictions.

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  • rory-ks

    This is what happens when the disciple becomes the teacher.

    The Governing Body are now third generation. They are one step removed from, “those than knew...”

    I tend to agree that all the recent changed – new elder's handbook, revised translation of the Bible – are all attempts to establish their own position of authority. The new Bible is a big step in this regard. It cannot be guaranteed that one single verse will read the same way. Every verse must be checked. The whole Bible needs to be read again. Even the verses used in the recently leaked videos are obsolete.

    Their hard line towards wrong-doing and apostasy is an attempt to solidify their position. In this way they are like Rehoboam. " My little finger will be thicker than my father’s hips. My father imposed a heavy yoke on you, but I will add to your yoke. My father punished you with whips, but I will punish you with scourges." (1 Kings 12:14)

    But, who knows, perhaps it is all a prelude to a massive split.

  • besty

    They are first exerting control over those nearest them in the hierarchy - bethelites being kicked to the curb, branches being closed and redeveloped.

    Next up - the regional structure is being re-worked with new assembly day names and timings. A few new titles being thrown around.

    Then the elders - new book, new school, new videos, new procedures for this and that.

    Last up - joe and jane publisher - new bible to read, new book store cart, new website to visit. New tract campaign.

    All to give the illusion of meaning. When in fact the net net difference is zero. No armageddon, no pet lions, no oversized vegetables and no MacMansions on the lake.

    Will be interesting to see how these dictators seek control in the virtual world. They have embraced the Internet for their own purposes - will they seek to establish an alternative Internet centred around JW.org? Will they 'bless' Facebook and Twitter and offer people the chance to login into JWN with their virtual identity? Could be a new loyalty test - like underlining your Watchtower for Sunday just so others can see.

    Smart dictators are realising you can't ban stuff effectively. (N Korea is the sole exception) Look at China for how I think the WTS will play this. Yes the Internet, but with information control alive and well.

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  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Congrats Oubliette - I thinmk you ahve captured the nature of being a Witness and the relationship with the organisation very well. The organisation acts exactly as you describe. I do sense that the organisation is flexing its muscles a bit at present suggesting it may be a bit insecure. At least I hope this is what is going on. The most recent WT Study suggests that funding is becoming an increasing issue.

  • Vidiot

    This is, I think, the most astute post you've ever made, Oubliette.

    Extremely well done, and IMO, absolutely spot on.


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