PDF documentation regarding 1975 prediction in WT publications

by cabasilas 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cabasilas

    I had a request for documentation of the Watchtower Society’s statements regarding the year 1975. So, I’ve put these files up for downloading from a filesharing service.

    The first file contains the complete text of 3 issues of Awake!: the October 8, 1966, January 8, 1968, and the October 8, 1968 issues. The file is completely searchable. Just type in 1975 in the search box and it’ll pull up all mention of 1975 (13 hits), and these contain the predictions for that year. Another good search is “six thousand”:

    1975 Predictions in the Awake! magazine (6.6 MB):


    Additional documentation can be found in this PDF of the book that started all the excitement about the year 1975, on pp. 26-35 (file is 12 MB):

    Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God:


    The public talk for the 1969 International Assemblies referred to the 6,000 year chronology on pp. 12-13 (3.5 MB):

    The Approaching Peace of A Thousand Years:


    These should give a good idea of the teachings before the year 1975 in Watchtower Society publications. Only the material in the 1969 public talk is on the Watchtower Library CD-ROM. The Awake! articles and the Life Everlasting book did not make it into the CD-ROM for obvious reasons.

  • jaydee


    thanks so much

  • betweenworlds

    Excellent! Thanks Cab

  • Amha·’aret

    Downloading now! Thank-you.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thank you very much.

    It's a great pity these articles are not in the CD-rom.

    All JW's who were around when these articles came out AND who now deny that the WTS said much about the significance of the date 1975


    It's not a very nice thing to have to say about your parents, aunts, uncles and older ones in the congregation who maybe were part of this group but unfortunately it is the inescapable truth.

    That kindly older sister in her 80's? She's a LIAR.

    That mild tempered brother suffering from athritis and a weak heart? A LIAR.

    My opinion of older JW's is diminshing rapidly.


    Thomas Covenant

  • Atlantis


    Many thanks cabasilas for posting these files! Excellent!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • cabasilas

    Atlantis, Thomas Covenant, Amharet, Between Worlds, Jaydee: You're welcome! These are memories for me as I became active with the JWs about 1966 and I fully remember these events. They were thrilling times! The attitude of the era is well summed up in this Time magazine article, which was published on the very day I was baptized as a JW (July 18, 1969), entitled "Witnessing the End":


    On the second page of that article it states:

    The Witnesses have what they believe is Scriptural proof that the end is coming. For one thing, their interpretation of Biblical chronology reveals that Adam and Eve were created in the autumn of 4026 B.C., or 5,994 years ago. Linking 6,000 years to the six days of God's creation, they believe it fitting that there be a sabbath-like rest thereafter, beginning in 1975—though Witnesses cautiously avoid a flat prediction linked to that year. What is more, Christ's promise that "this generation will not pass away till all these things take place" means that the generation alive in 1914, when the last days began, will see Armageddon. As they eye the thinning ranks of that generation, Jehovah's Witnesses are well aware the time limit is running out.

    While it is true that we avoided a "flat prediction" for 1975 we followed the hype that the Watch Tower Society stirred up in publications mentioned here and lived our lives like 1975 would see the End. I was serving at Bethel when the May 1974 Kingdom Ministry commended those JWs who had sold their homes and property in order to pioneer. It stated, "Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end." One wonders what happened to many of those JWs who did sell out to pioneer thinking that the 6,000 years and the "generation of 1914" was nearly over? It's been 35 years since then now. That 1974 Kingdom Ministry insert can be downloaded here:


  • Sunspot

    Bless your heart for your efforts in this! Thank you! These are the very statements that we all can use whenever the WTS defenders make their absurd claims that "we never said that".



  • cabasilas

    Sunspot, Thanks!

    One idea: the PDF file of the 3 Awake issues (first one linked above in the first post in this thread) would make a great email attachment to send to questioning JWs. It's strictly WT literature in its full context and cannot be labelled "apostate" literature. It speaks for itself.

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    Thanks for the files. Before too long the generation that lived before the 1975 promise

    will be dead just like those who believed in the end of the world in 1914, 1918, and


    Having these documents are important for reference. However an active witness will

    asked where did you get the information and if you say the internet then is came from

    apostates. You almost need to have the actual mags.

    Thanks for your work.

    TooBad TooSad


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