1965-Things In Which It Is Impossible For God To Lie--by request! Request from researcher: I am searching for a pdf of the 1965 publication, "Things in Which it is Impossible for God to Lie." Can you help me? ******************************************* My comments: Thank you for your request! Here you go! Click the link at the bottom of the next page. http://www.sendspace.com/file/s7nsjv Cheers! Atlantis!-
1965-Things In Which It Is Impossible For God To Lie--PDF--by request!
by Atlantis 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
How do we know this gawd didn't lie when it said it doesn't lie?
I thought gawd could do ANYTHING. If the gawd cannot lie then it means the gawd does in fact have limitations. One must stop and wonder, what else is the gawd not able to do?
If the gawd does in fact have limitations, this means the gawd is subject to something even greater than itself. What is this thing that even the gawd of the bible bows down to and obeys?
My new hobby: Drunk posting.
TY Atlantis........ahh a beer sounds good...watcha drinking? BTW, I only drink imports-well only Sam Adams is what I drink from the states.
"God cannot lie". Written by God.
Now, that is God lying to back up His other scams.
Mr. Atlantis, thank you.
I got it.
I always appreciate to you. -
Your welcome!