You have sinned invisibly. Getting angry is invisible sin. Coveting is invisible sin. Looking but not touching is invisible sin. Getting motivated to go strive towards an arduous goal so as to gain an edge in life is invisible sin. It's all about the invisible with them, isn't it? Jesus did this invisibly, Jehovah does that invisibly, the Holy Spirit does this other thing invisibly, that thing happened invisibly back then and that over there happened invisibly at this other time. And, "Do you see? Do you see the abundant evidence for this truth staring you straight in the face like a baseball bat, brothers and sisters?" <klapklapklap> If someone duck taped their fat mouths shut for one year, there'd BE no rank and file because reality would have penetrated and there'd be a mass scales falling from the eyes.
Never Become Enraged with Jehovah (tomorrow's WT Study)....pure vomit
by raymond frantz 56 Replies latest watchtower bible
raymond frantz
15 What if we have a negative attitude toward our fellow worshippers? Under such circumstances, our relationship with Jehovah can be affected. (1 John 4:20) When the Israelites questioned Aaron’s appointment and position, Jehovah viewed that action as murmuring against Him. (Num. 17:10) Similarly, if we were to start grumbling and murmuring about those whom Jehovah is using to direct the earthly part of his organization, we could by inference be complaining about Jehovah.—Heb. 13:7, 17.
Just came back from the meeting .I gave an answer for the above paragraph that made the WT conductor go a bit pale in the face .
THE ANSWER : Let's not forget that Aaron led the Israelites to idolatry and apostacy .If you were an Israelite and blindly followed his direction Jehovah would have killed you at the end of this test ,if you disobeyed and followed your Bible based consience (10 comandments ) you lived .This example shows that we shouldn't follow blindly men even if they claim to be anointed ,the obedience is conditional and the determining factor should be our Bible based consience .
What do you think?
Don't you just love it that the WT continually invokes the violence of the OT when talking to christians witnesses?
Always with the dramatic endings, the deaths, when anyone questions the authority of Jehovah the governing body.
raymond frantz, I hope everyone was listening when you gave that answer. Hopefully some, including the conductor, gave it a thought even for a while...
I see. We make Jehovah "sad" when we disobey him, but if we are angry over direction purported to be from Him, we're enraged? It's the Jehovah of the OT that regularly wiped out hundreds, thousands, nearly the freakin' whole earth when he got angry, but if I show temper over a stupid rule, I'm enraged?
If I see something wrong, I reserve the right to be filled with righteous indignation. If Jesus could make scourge of cords and throw out the money changers, I can speak up too.
Little Lord Flaunterloys - that is the model elders emulate. Mild of speech but spouting the most damning invective. But don't dare get enraged at their interference in marriages, in confronting abusers, in familial bonds.
Ha, that's a good answer, raymond frantz. How long until the conductor stop calling on you?
Pure crap.
How do speak the truth without being caught? You don't. You either remain silent and don't cast pearl before swine, or you speak out and let the chips fall where they may.
LISTEN, OBEY, and be BLESSED. Don't worry about what the Bible says.
Awesome answer RF!!! I have asked different ones if they would have told Moses and Aaron NOT to claim credit for calling forth water at Meribah. I ask, " If you were living back then, and you KNEW that Moses and Aaron were going to sin, would you have said anything? Imagine that the line up was Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and then you. Would you warn them? They were "anointed" after all. What would the consequences be if you did not follow along?" Blank stares...
I LOVE your answer!! What happened to those who went along with Aaron's mistake? Hopefully you made some people think. Be aware that YOU are the target of the upcoming WT articles about those who speak out about the Organization. Nothing less than praise of the ORG is tolerated.
I actually mentioned a comment about that (follow what the leaders say vs follow your conscience) with a friend who is a "strong JW"... he thankfully said that I should go with whatever my conscience tells me, while at the same time trying to convince me to stay in the organization. He has a LOT of cogniitve dissonance, and yet he still wants to remain a JW.
He said he doesn't believe the Bible's infallible, shouldn't follow the leaders over your own conscience, and then he goes and tells me that I should stay in an organization because we are supposed to stay in the organization that does God's Will... that he believes in the NWT's claim that Jehovah should in be in the NT... and at the same time, that Satan managed to corrupt the Bible in those places...
Talk about being able to have DOUBLETHINK!!
It pissed me off so much talking to him, that I just looked for the nearest exit. He is hopelessly deluded.
Raymond Frantz - that answer was GOLD!