Don't Miss the Meetings - Hebrews 10:24, 25 Re-examined
by Oubliette 40 Replies latest watchtower bible
Eden One said " The 1st century christians did meet ONCE a week... on sunday evenings."
Proof ?
It has been my experience that jw's do not understand 'relationship' with God or Christ. In fact if you use the word 'relationship' they get a distasteful look on their face and are generally disgusted by such a comment. As if YOU (of all people) could have a 'relationship' with God! how dare you!
Jesus said that where ever 2-3 are gathered in His name He would be there as well. He never said it had to be in person, could be on the phone, internet, etc....
But, jw's don't have much use for Jesus so perhaps this doesn't apply to them.
Good points. I came to a similar conclusion about Hebrews when I started examining Watchtower doctrine. Growing up I would never miss any of the meetings because of that Scripture, and never noticed that it says nothing about how often to attend. Amazing how easily people are controlled to read into scripture what they are told to.
label licker - Messianic Hebrew scholars have Bible studies (without any study of the NT) in homes? Interesting. They don't have people go to their synagogues for studies? Didn't realize they used the term to get out of all religion.
Oh, Outlaw - the "Effin Dog" graphic is the greatest. Love that dog! - not the photo of ole goat!
Wow, these are some great responses! Thanks everyone.
I'm going to try and do some responses "Flipper" style.
leaving_quietly, Interesting comment about the word "relationship" in the Bible in reference to God. Nevertheless, it is a concept which JWs push. I checked out the link you provided. Good stuff.
losingit, QueenWitch, You're welcome!!! Glad you appreciated it.
OUTLAW, As always, the dog nails it with humor and wit. Great point about them cutting the Book Study. They're spin shysters all the way.
steve2, good point. They're just liars is what it all comes down to.
EdenOne, perhaps. I wasn't there. In fact, I wasn't even specifically saying meetings are a bad thing. I was merely pointing out to my friend that: 1) The JW insistence on attending multiple meetings every week canNOT be supported with scriptures, and 2) according to the Bible and my personal experience, a person can have a relationship with God without attending ANY meetings.
Bobcat, good points. Thanks for sharing!
Jam, not sure what you were trying to say. Your post is confusing!?!
Laika, I am sure quite a few JWs did the same thing at meetings: physically present, mentally gone!
SuperBoy, I didn't say meetings are wrong. It's a typical rhetorical manuever of JWs (and other cults) to twist what a person says to bring it back to their own particular doctrine. You just did this. What I DID say is this: 1) The JW insistence on attending multiple meetings every week canNOT be supported with scriptures, particularly Hebrews 10:24, 25, and 2) according to the Bible and my own personal experience, a person can have a relationship with God without attending ANY meetings. Have all the meetings you want. Just don't try to insist that God's gonna' kill me at Armageddon if I miss one too many.
label licker, that's a different twist.
Crazyguy, yep. Absolutely no discussions at JW meetings; only rote regurgitation of the corporate party-line.
WTWizard, you got it. Well said!
abbagail, thanks for the high praise. I especially appreciated your summary at the end: "It's a beautiful thing for believers to get together for fellowship, meals, &/or mutual study, prayer, praise, singing, etc., but no Christian is "condemned" for NOT associating with believers."
smiddy, you're welcome. It's nice to be appreciated for sharing my own thoughts and ideas. You'll not get that at any KH near you, not ever!
Lied2NoMore, that's a really good point, when people are really in need of help, the congregation just throws them under the bus. No real Christian love here - John 13:35.
BU2B, you're welcome!
Separation of Powers, that's a good point. Of course the WT leadership has no problem making "exceptions" when it suits their purposes. but woe unto you if you miss a meeting for any non-WT approved reasons, especially if you're doing anything selfish like: working, going to school, spending time with non-JW relatives and/or friends.
Phizzy, great question. We're still waiting for that proof. You might want to get comfortable ...
carla, you're so right. JWs don't understand much of anything except what the GB tells them to "believe." And even then, they can't "understand" most of it because the majority of JW "theology" is completely incomprehensible nonsense. Can you say "overlapping generation"? And yes, JWs aren't really that into Jesus. Like the Bible, he's just a prop. Let's call it what it is: a publishing/real-estate cult masquerading as a religion.
jwfacts, exactly! It is "amazing how easily people are controlled to read into scripture what they are told to." I have become quite fascinated with the psychology of the whole thing. The WT leaders are master at manipulating their followers with propaganda and mind-control techniques.
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Keep those great comments coming! You never know who is lurking and drawing conclusions.
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Eden One said " The 1st century christians did meet ONCE a week... on sunday evenings."
Proof ?
Here is the article on "Lord's Day" (Rev 1:10) from the ISBE (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia). This isn't the recent revised version of the ISBE, but the article carries the gist of whats in the newer one. Whether it would stand as proof to most JWs is questionable. The WT takes "Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10 to be a reference to "the Day of the Lord." (The whole framework of their understanding of Revelation rests on the quirky NWT rendering of this verse. See here for some discussion of this verse. Additional here.
Take Care
Great post, Oubliette.
On this:
(The previous NWT read, "gathering of ourselves together." That's different, no?)
Is it only me, or does that translation bring to mind a mental image of something kind of like this:
adamah, great pic. Not sure the connection, but I liked it!