Crisis of Conscience republished and on Kindle

by losthobbit 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • losthobbit

    Hi Guys

    Sorry if this has been mentioned before... I haven't visited this forum in a while.

    I've noticed that Crisis of Conscience is no longer ridiculously expensive on (now £9.38), and they have a Kindle version which is even cheaper (£6.84 - Unfortunately the publisher did an absolutely useless job of formatting the Kindle version. One can download a sample and see how bad it is for oneself.

    That is all.

    Have a good day :smile:

  • Simon

    Good to hear that an e-version is available - that dramatically reduces the barrier to reading vs having to get a physical / visible book delivered.

    Formatting is incidental to the content (quite a few ebooks suffer from this)

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Simon -

    What do you mean when you say - 'formatting is incidental to the content?

    Can ebooks be purchased by one person and sent as a gift to another? will a computer work as a kindle?

    Thanks - Gone

  • blondie

    I'm glad that since April 18, 2013, that COC is available in hardcopy at a reasonable price. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, losthobbit.

  • gma-tired2

    gone for good you can download an app for Kindle on computers. Its not hard I know because I can do it.

  • Simon

    You can download a Kindle app for computer and they also have a browser based one which is great in Chrome:

  • *lost*

    Really .. excellent. Have you seen how much the hard copy books of COC are. freaking sky high.

    Simon is there a .uk rather than .com ?

  • losthobbit

    *lost* try this one:

    Although, if you're using a PC, you can download the Kindle application:

    Also, as I said, the hard copy is £9.38, which is probably a much better option than getting the Kindle version. The Kindle version has many places where they say things like, In the 1928 Watchtower it said this:

    (And the quote is just non-existent)

    So, I had a bit of a crisis of conscience spending good money on a Kindle version which should really be sold for about £1.50 based on the lack of effort that has gone into it. I'll see if I can get Amazon to give me a refund or contact the publisher.

  • *lost*

    Losthobbit - thank you. As I'm in europe it's easier for me, I have book account already set up.

    I prefer hard copy. Like to feel the book in my hand. I don't like reading on pc so much. Great for study and research, but just not the same as a proper book. I also worry about any health ramifications down the road with the E-readers, eye sight ect. ( paranoia, lol )

    When I was looking for the COC, they were like €90. ( lol, I want it but not that bad) there were few copies to be had, even second hand ones. Maybe they have come down in price now.

    thanks for your link.

    my daughters an avid book fan, the kindle will be handy for her.

  • losthobbit

    ...actually, on the PC Kindle application one can report formatting errors. I'll report a few and see if that helps.


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