I went in feild service today

by judge rutherFRAUD 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    so I'm stopping at the local Pizza shop this morning . when I see 4 jw's dressed up in their wt uniforms about a block away, just pointing at houses, for about 5 minutes. so they break up and this one 21 year old kid is standing at this door. so i walk up and tell the kid " let me show you how to do it" he says no need this house is empty, been vacant for years look at all the mail hanging out of the mail box! I started laughing and said thats a great way to count time knocking at a known empty house. I could tell the kid hated fs and wanted to just run away. so i drive around the block and catch him and another 21 year old boy wasting time looking at trees. so I stop again and the first kid panics runs away but the second kid is cool and I start talking to him about how 40 years ago the wt promised me the world was going to end in oct. 1975 and i would never finish middle school before the world ended and how I was going to have a pet lion etc. he admitted he hated fs and I told him abit about the wt false prophcies. when the first kid comes storming down the street with this kids father screaming for him to get into thier car. so I asked the father if he wanted a bible study? he just jumped into the car crying for the kid to get in. so in parting I told the kid do research on the computer about the wt. and told the father he's a false teacher and should be ashamed of himself dragging these young boys preaching the false gospel of 1914 there was more but the point is I got into this young mans head and he will not forget what I told him .

  • AudeSapere
    " let me show you how to do it"



  • Satanus

    It's those demons that obey your commands, that allow you to do that. Hehe. Jws are ascared of deminz.


  • jamiebowers

    You may have opened the door to a whole new life for that kid.

  • ziddina

    Cool, Judge RutherFraud!! I ran into a few people like you when I was in FS as a small child, and their comments indeed did help pave my way out of the cult!

    Oh, and I think others here have made this comment, but - shouldn't that be "failed" service??? Zid


  • BabaYaga
    the point is I got into this young mans head and he will not forget what I told him.

  • SirNose586

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun. And yes, I think you've caught a young guy who's on the fence about the whole dub thing. Good work.

  • Joshnaz

    That was so cool. Awesome job and quick thinking!

  • Hopscotch

    Well done Judge!


  • Heaven

    Way to go, Judge!

    You give a whole new meaning to FS. Maybe you could call it 'Freedom Service'.


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