I went in feild service today

by judge rutherFRAUD 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    You little demon truth speaker

    Or the kid may tell a tale of when he was out in service one day and one of Satan's evil servants tried talking to him,

    but he wouldn't listen and quickly walked away. Well at least thats the one he'll tell when his father is in listening distance.

  • jaguarbass

    Good job!

  • JunkYardDog
  • AwSnap

    I hope he makes it to this board one day! When I was very young, a householder said just a sliver of what you did. To my mother, he said "You have some nerve bringing these children out on a Saturday morning!" That stuck in my head bigtime

  • moshe

    How did I miss this one? Great job here! I loved talking to JWs who were in FS- it was just like watching my terrier making the rodents run for cover. My favorite trick was to park my car down the street and raise the hood and wait for the JWs to come to me- like taking candy from a baby- as a friend of mine likes to say. The poor JWs walk up to moshe fiddling with his car motor and think they have found an easy one to preach, too. You haven't lived until you see the color vanish from a JW's face and their jaw drops open from surprise -- then a few minutes later they are racing for their car like the keystone cops trying to get away. FS is over for the morning!

    JYD, I wish more ex-JWs would stand up to JWs they see out in public instead of hiding from them.

  • JunkYardDog

    Moshe: I enjoy your posts and your jw anti-witnessing encounters so much. No question your are the man , you have shown me so many tactics to use on jw's I never thinked of. No question you have a FLAIR for exposing jw in FS. Or could it be your knowledge of the wts and having BALLS as big as a BULL that makes you so effective? Thank you for turning me on to other X jw's that stand up to jw;s. you don't miss a trick. ha ha

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    First of all, it's spelled "field".

    Secondly, I don't believe a word of it.


  • carla
  • moshe

    JD, I guess you missed my Thanksgiving day field service report last month.

    The sister I was out in service with showed up at the BMV last week to get something done on her license. It is no secret to her now that she was "had"- then few days later the elderly brother (on the right) showed up for a car plate renewal. Now he was a little confused about the procedure and I had to go to the lobby and tell him he had "missed" his number and give him a new one. He stopped and chatted with myself and my partner for a couple minutes before he left. He kept looking at me like " where do I know you from?" I am sure the sister will tell them at the next meeting, then again maybe not- she might be too embarrasssed to admit that an apostate made a fool of them.. Well, now she knows where to find me, if she has been thinking about what I told her.

    Here is my FS group- for the doubting tom-asses-


  • JunkYardDog

    judge dread. JUDGE RUTHERFRAUD is my BROTHER of the same mother as me. and either one of us will clean your clock in short order I look foward to you calling me a bull$hit artist...

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