Is there anyone who can supply scans or pdf links for those who could use it?
JW Preaching Work Ends in 20th Century ?
by Scorpion 48 Replies latest jw friends
Fernando I just asked wha happened over on his moving thread if he could put it aside for us and / or scan it for us.
Gozz. I also could not believe that the WT Society would play both sides of the polotical fence in WWII, but they did. I didn't believe it until I saw the WT letter to Hitler expressing their support of his ideals. Thsis ssaid to have been done to get favorable treatrment of the WT message in Germany, and probably was. Even so, as I recall in the letter, it played word games about supporting him and was anti-Jewish.
I hope someone finds a copy of the letter so that you can read it for yourself and make up your mind. Reminds me of condemning the United Nations since the 1940s but then joing the UN as an NPO on the sly and thought no one would notice.
While I'm at it ...
Awake! Feb. 22, p. 5-8.
Thanks a lot! That's really nice.
Pretty ballsy to have written that in '89! Someone really thought the end would come within a decade?
dazed but not confused
Book marking - This will be useful.
Very useful thread!
Oh I am loving this thread! Will copy and put in my apostate evidence binder.