JW's are they really a cult?
Straight from the depths of hell they are.
by Evanescence 46 Replies latest jw friends
JW's are they really a cult?
Straight from the depths of hell they are.
I was charged and disfellowshipped for a CAPITAL offense.A capital offense they explained for which i would have been brought to the city gates of ancient Israel and stoned to death.
What did i do? I questioned the integrity (his lying mealy-mouthing) of Elder GeoXXX MXXXXXX of the Rockland Massachusetts Kingom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesess.
"cult" can mean so many different things to different people. There are many definitions behind the word.
So one can refute being a "cult" according to any definition of their choosing.
It's probably more precise to use "high control group". As the name implies, there's a scale of control involved. It's all about which areas are controlled and to what extent. There is usually no tell-tale technique used in a "cult" that can't be found elsewhere in society in one form or another. It's just that in a high-control group, the scope and intensity of the control is encompassing enough to coerce members into unquestioning and complete submission to their leaders.
Here's a good website: http://www.workingpsychology.com/cult.html
I think the best way to describe a cult is when you have a person or group of people (corporation) that claim some sort of special priveledge from God to rule over others with authority and are exempt from any accountability or responsibility for the sufferings of those that follow . The WTBTS even puts itself in place of jesus stating that it's only through obedience to them that matters .
Steven Hassan's book (Combatting Cult Mind Control) describes the JW's exactly, without mentioning them by name.
Some prefer to say they are a "high-control religion". To me, that is still a cult.
Christianity was a cult until it got so big that is became accepted. Same with all forms of Christianity, born from a cult and will grow into respectability.
I agree free2beme. All religion are cults . There's no law in the US over cults, in fact it's pretty much legal to worship anything or anybody you want . It might even be fun to be in a cult, the jws definately not . This board is a cult at times . Many people seem to worship the idea of bringing the WTBTS down , that's not my idea . I think they have the right to exist but wish people would spend more time examining something before making a life decision to worship the WTBTS .
Not all religions are a "cult" if you apply the criteria commonly given to cults.
I think that the JWs are a cult. However, I do believe that there are many, many other groups who are much worse than JWs in their control techniques and bad practices. For instance, I've read about groups who have the individuals chanting all day every day for weeks, who restrict food and sleep, who have everyone living in a compound.
Even though JWs don't do these things, they are a high control group and they are destructive. That is proven by all of the individuals they have hurt and all of the families they have split up. The blood doctrine is a total JOKE now because they don't have a leg to stand on anymore (allowing fractions), but clearly it is no joke for those who have lost family because of it. Active JWs need to open their eyes to that.
(a) The group will have an ELITIST view of itself in relation to
everyone else is wrong. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES DOING GOD'S WILL -
everyone else is in apostasy.
1. Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or
position of authority given by God.
*** km 4/99 p. 3 Pioneering—Wise Use of Our Time! ***
We know that Jehovah is the Creator and Universal Sovereign and that we owe our lives to him. (Dan. 4:17; Acts 17:28) It is clear to us that Jehovah is using just one organization. We are privileged to serve loyally with it, supporting “the faithful and discreet slave” in giving the Kingdom witness before the end comes.
2. They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance
regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and
exalting their own group, leader/s and work.
*** re chap. 25 pp. 166-167 Reviving the Two Witnesses ***
John goes on to say of the two witnesses: “And they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every sort of plague as often as they wish.” (Revelation 11:6b)... And during the first world war Christ’s brothers, the two witnesses, exposed the death-dealing quality of “the waters” that Christendom was serving to her flocks.
*** sl chap. 12 p. 215 Christendom and Judaism Now Facing Desolation ***
In sharp contrast to Christendom and Judaism, Jehovah’s Christian witnesses, who are residing in the spiritual paradise of his favor and protection, are the ones that have taken Jehovah as their King, their Statute-giver, their Judge, their Savior. They are therefore the ones that are safeguarded from the spiritual sicknesses and maladies and plagues that afflict Christendom and Judaism.
3. They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members
loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire
calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon;
being shunned by their family and friends etc. This is a vital
part of the mind control process.
w89 9/1 p. 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***Only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.
*** w88 3/15 p. 18 Serving as Jehovah’s Trusting Fellow Workers ***
Why are such persons not justified in leaving God’s organization? Because his Word assures us: “Abundant peace belongs to those loving [Jehovah’s] law, and for them there is no stumbling block.” (Psalm 119:165) ...Largely, disloyal ones who have left Jehovah’s visible organization have made common cause with those in God-dishonoring “Babylon the Great.”
*** w55 12/1 p. 729 Keeping Within the Bounds of Refuge ***
The great Armageddon wine press will be trodden “outside the city” ...“Trodden outside the city” means it will be trodden outside the New Jerusalem, outside the theocratic organization, hence outside the Christian city of refuge and outside the New World society. Do any today want to avoid being pitched into the wine press of God’s anger to be crushed? Then make no delay to escape the divine Avenger of blood. Take the road marked “Refuge! Refuge!” and flee to the refuge city under the High Priest Jesus Christ. Then determinedly, wisely, gratefully stay inside it until Armageddon!
*** w81 9/15 p. 22 Disfellowshiping—How to View It ***
Yes, the Bible commands Christians not to keep company or fellowship with a person who has been expelled from the congregation. Thus “disfellowshiping” is what Jehovah’s Witnesses appropriately call the expelling and subsequent shunning of such an unrepentant wrongdoer.
(note: even though members are not given any knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing and lack of repentance and are not informed of such.)
Judge for yourselves.
I have my webster out and it clearly defines a cult as a religious system and nothing more. A group of people showing a faddish devotion . very simple, so what I said is a fact and not opinion . Even the WTBTS refuses to accept the litteral meaning and reject the facts in and attempt to save face by making false agruments .
The great Armageddon wine press will be trodden “outside the city” ...“Trodden outside the city” means it will be trodden outside the New Jerusalem, outside the theocratic organization, hence outside the Christian city of refuge and outside the New World society.This is pure dogma . I can agree that there are representatives of new jerusalem in the world but will never consider the WTBTS as the city itself . The apostles called it the jerusalem above . They certainly do have a convoluted view of this stuff .