I'm sick and tired and I just can't take it anymore. I think I can "be all I can be" by joining The World and thinking about DA pretty soon. Slow fade may not really work for me. I might go nutz. Anybody else actually done this, (get finally fed up and leave) and how did it work out for you?
Anybody just plain get fed up and DA?
by toby888 15 Replies latest jw friends
I up and DA'ed myself. I realize in doing so I was playing by "their rules" but I was seeking some closure and detachment.
I got what I wanted. My parents haven't spoken to me since. Did it "work out"? I guess so. (within the parameters of what I expected
I DA'd, but I don't view it as playing by their rules. They never asked me to do it. My purpose was to advise them, in no uncertain terms, that they had better get the hell out of my life. It was to shatter any delusions of authority they thought they had - to hurl their impotence into their teeth. It also served as a warning to them to refrain from harassing me or they would face legal consequenses.
While I was living a double life I was the one who was looking over my shoulder when I lit a smoke; I was the one who hesitated to answer my door or phone. I had to watch every word I said. Now things work differently. If the JWs see me at the mall, they are the ones who scurry away like the frightened rats they are.
I also DA'd when I got fed up with their nonsense
I got tired of looking over my shoulder, of being afraid to be caught on a Saturday morning doing something other than field service, of being afraid to go out on dates with worldly men, of being afraid to be seen at a pub. I just wanted to live a normal life and not feel so guilty and not be harassed by unannounced visits from elders and their cheerleaders. Writing that letter was the best thing I could have ever done.
i DA'd.
technically it would have been better to just fade, as my wife and family and friends are all JWs. but like you said, i just could not take it. i felt like fading was dishonest, as i would be lying to the people i cared about. lying about who i had truly become in their absence. so with much to lose, i DA'd myself. and i can't say i regret it at all.
The Fade works for me
No guilt
DA'ing RULES!! Fading was so.. 1990.
I can't imagine fading, now that my "eyes have been opened and have become like God, knowing good and bad." (Gen 6 : ... ahh who the hell cares.)
Seriously though DA'ing from the JW's isnt playing by their rules in the slightest. It's officially leaving a cult. If they want to shun its their prerogative, and what do I care anyway?
I didn't tell anyone that I was tired, except my husband who was an approved associate. He had all ready decided that he didn't want to be a witness. I had been in for about 2 years. I just wrote the letter and sent if off in the mail. I was glad not to have to talk to the witnesses and I was tired of the unexpected visits. I just hate that I never let go of the bOrg in my heart, and that I raised my children to believe in the bOrg because they are now baptized witnesses, who now think by shunning me that I'll become a witness again. I don't want to be a witness again!
Many on this site have done it. Some abruptly. Some after many years of fading. Some with a quick two sentence letter. Others with details explanation sent to congregation members timed to be received 2days before the elders get the official letter.
My personal favorite is LittleToe's. It may not work for you, but it's a good read.
Here's the link of his account of Going Out with a Bang:
(Hey,guys - should we name this: LittleToe Chapter 7 verse one ??)
I did it!!! I did it because they came to see me and their opening words were, "This is just a friendly chat" (I knew that was a lie, there were 3 of them...thats means judicial!!!) Then they said "How can we help you back!"
I realised stronger than ever then, that I didnt want to go back and would never go back. So I wrote a letter told them exactly what I thought of it all and said consider me in need of no further help from you. Thank you.
I'm glad I did it, its made me realise what family is REALLY about. Basically blood isnt thicker than water. Being "IN" is what counts. I'm just another DA'd person as far as my family is concerned. So now I am just living for my partners and my babies. The family side shunning me does hurt, but I'm free and so are my children are going to have the normal life I never had.
Chok (Natasha)