Do stupid people have more children? What are the implications?

by AlmostAtheist 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist
    yes, I feel like a dumbass sometimes for ever having believed any of it now.

    LOL! Who doesn't! Congrats on your kids not drinking the Kool-aid, though! And welcome to the forum!

    Dave of the "dumbass class"

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I just think its the ultimate egotrip. You must feel desperately special to believe you are good enough to replicate yourself.

    I don't.

    You're making some sweeping assumptions here that aren't correct. First, a child is not a "replicate of youself." They are an individual and will become their own person. I disagree with your initial assertion here. While this might be the case for some, I think having a kid is not a result of feeling "deseparately special;" rather, I think for most it is an attempt to feel special. There's no feeling in the world like having a toddler look up to you, seeing them wide-eyed at the things adults take for granted every day. In fact, children can help us to have a much more positive view in the world. Sometimes we forget what it was like to be young, but we can live vicariously through children.

    And then, what about when we get old? If you have no younger family, what will happen to you? State care? Of course it's not fair to put the burden for you care on your children, but children/parents with good relationships will always support one another.

    I can think of many reasons for having kids. . .

  • alreadygone

    No need to quantify your response. I did not take offense. In fact, I rarely take offense. I was just reiterating my belief that having children is a decision and all aspects of that decision should be explored.

    I checked out the link within doogie's thread. OMG, now that is scary. Christians have kids so we can make more christians. She didn't take into account that not all children of christian parents will grow up to be christian. Similar to the "intelligent parents don't always have intelligent children".

    I have to agree with John Doe. There are few emotions as satisfying as the feeling you get from having your child look up to you and helping them learn about their world.

  • Crumpet
    And then, what about when we get old? If you have no younger family, what will happen to you? State care? Of course it's not fair to put the burden for you care on your children, but children/parents with good relationships will always support one another.I can think of many reasons for having kids. . .

    I was with you until this bit John Doe.

    Its precisely what I dislike about people having children. Think they've failed so instead of working to take care of themselves in old age have kids so they are doomed to that unpleasant circumstance. Disgusting reasons for procreation.

  • Scully
    I too get very irritated when I see families on public assistance spitting out babies like it is their personal responsibility to populate the entire earth.

    In my line of work, I see this scenario regularly. I get especially resentful when it's clear that they spend their public assistance on unnecessary things like booze and cigarettes, instead of on food, hygiene, clothing and shoes for the children. These people are in dereliction of duty - both to their children (mainly), but also to the public purse (my taxes) that supports them. There is irony in the commonality that the vast majority are quite religious and believe that "God will provide", when it's "The System" that sends them a check every month.

  • Satanus

    I have noticed too, that many welfare people are always ready to cease an opportunity to get something for free, scam somebody or beg for something. The people that they scam are already paying taxes to support them. But, it isn't enough, it seems.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I was with you until this bit John Doe. Its precisely what I dislike about people having children. Think they've failed so instead of working to take care of themselves in old age have kids so they are doomed to that unpleasant circumstance. Disgusting reasons for procreation.

    As much as we like to be independant, we are not. The larger our support base, the better our lives will be. Everyone becomes more dependant when he or she ages. That's a part of dying. And since when does giving and reciving help mean that you're not actively taking care of yourself? I don't think wanting family is such a disgusting reason for procreation. We need family. Our bilogical makeup drives a desire for family.

    Your "they" pronoun is an ambigious reference. Do you mean the kids have that unpleasant circumstance, or the parents?

    Parents make many sacrifices for their children. A couple of years of unpleasntness is not an unreasonable request. I gladly took care of my parents, as I think any kid should. I wouldn't exact the same from my kid, if I were to have one, but I would hope that the relationship would breed such an atmosphere where giving help would not be resented. I think that's a noble goal worthy of everyone to strive for. I'm not saying everyone should have kids, I'm saying I see legitamate reasons for kids, and I won't criticize anyone for making that decision. Just because I don't feel special enough to procreate, I also don't feel above others to call their choice to procreate an ego trip. :-)

  • tetrapod.sapien


    Meanwhile, our intelligent folks are going to raise two smart kids that grow up, marry two intelligent people and produce another 4 intelligent people.

    or, they may not be into marriage and kids at all considering that they are spending everything they have to become evil secular doctors. (think: western europe).

    How long would it be before the idiots are an uncontrollable throng of doltishness that can no longer be supported by the economy?

    uh, how long has the USA been a country for?

    LOL, sorry, i had to... (i can't say canada is much better. we have our own bible belt too.)


  • AlmostAtheist

    how long has the USA been a country for?
    LOL! I begged for that one!

  • Satanus

    That's why they have wars periodically, to get rid of some of the stupid people.


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