How many of you should be working instead of this

by bboyneko 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi There,

    I'm retired, why should I work? I spent 47 years doing that and I really would hate to start again. I might have to though, my wife was laid off from her job(she's six years younger than I) and the money is getting short right now.

    Ken P.

  • COMF

    Nope. I look in before I leave for work, or after I get home, but never on the job. I could, but there are lots of good reasons not to.


  • larc

    I'm retired and adicted to this board. My yard is going to pot... oops. I meant to say, I have to do some yard work.

  • claudia

    I post from work when everything is done. Also I watch no tv at night, so i go online. Has anyone ever noticed that people without the internet wouldnt say anything if someone watched tv for a few hours at night. But always mention someones internet use?

  • patio34

    Oh I wish I could join in from work!! But our site visits are monitored and only news and health are approved.

    It would make the day go by so much faster!


  • ladonna

    Great Post BBoy,

    Teeheee......yeah caught!!!

    But everone who has posted on this thread gave me a great laugh!!!
    Larc!!!! POT?????? hahahahahahaha

    Nah.....I do a lot of work at home and can sneak into the study to the PC when I have a bit of a break.
    Better than living in another time zone when I should ne getting my beauty sleep....Dang it!!...the beauty sleep never worked anyway!!


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