Right on target, Jim Dee. Most illuminating.
They are going to need the money for legal defenses in other less enlightened countries, like the United States. Then again, maybe they will get a separate fund going for the fight against "opposers of the preaching work." That's always been a good rallying cry, since no one seems to think deeply about that expression. (How many clergy are there today who are "opposers of the preaching work"?) They can preach a flat earth if they want, that's not the problem for any of us.
What I oppose is the insane policy that allows voiceless kids to die, while governing body members and top decision makers haggle over issues of liability rather than the Scriptures. I oppose the insanity of a policy that does not encourage the reporting of child abuse universally, in recognition of the role of the Higher Powers of Romans 13, thereby continuing to ruin countless precious lives. I oppose the evil practice of enforced shunning that has ripped families apart.
Am I discontented with these teachings? Yes. Another word for that is "disgruntled." Ah, but Watchtower PR would have you believe that word applies to individuals who never made it as elders, whose pet ideas were not adopted, or some vague notion that links "disgruntled" with former postal workers.
Think, people, think before you buy into their spin doctor stuff. The rank and file NEVER think about who the "disgruntled" ones are and what they are disgruntled about! Many of us here are/were at the pinnacle of theocratic careers with everything to lose in the way of friends and family. I throw that all away in a heartbeat over principle!
Em, Jim Dee, have you checked with the African branches as to the effect of stringent cost-cutting on even that poor continent?
Just a small hint.
"Follow the money."