Why is it that jw`s discourage you to search online for things dealing with jw`s? If you are firm in your beliefs and you know you have the truth why be so afraid of that you will stumble upon some kind of "apostate" literature? Does anyone know exactly why jw`s shun there freinds and family for being dfed?
by findingmyself 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lady Lee
Why is it that jw`s discourage you to search online for things dealing with jw`s? If you are firm in your beliefs and you know you have the truth why be so afraid of that you will stumble upon some kind of "apostate" literature?
So true. If they really have the truth then there would be nothing to fear. Well uless Satan is stronger than their beliefs cuz they are always saying Satan is wandering around trying to lure them away
Does anyone know exactly why jw`s shun there freinds and family for being dfed?
The exact reason: Hmmm most likely so they can't find out they have been conned manipulated and lied to all in the name of God
From the platform, I've heard it, JW's are told the internet is full of pedophiles and liars. I'm internet savvy enough to avoid the creepy/horny sites. What IS lurking here is the other side of the story, the one the Watchtower Society doesn't want members to read. There is very little defence against rock-solid evidence of the society's lies. Why was GOOGLE specifically targetted by the society? It's just a search engine. It can't be programmed for an "agenda". All that is "out there", good and bad, informed and half-truths are there to be read by the discerning reader.
Google???? A search engine, targeted by the JW's??? No wonder my mother stopped even a minimal amount of communication with me when I told her that I "googled" the information I found for her on some silly subject or other. OOPS little did I know.
this makes me laugh and sick at the same time. i had a prominent elder tell me at a get together, that you should not use the internet...you could start abusing yourself...i was offended, and i thought what a stupid, inappropriate thing to say to a sister at a get together. i felt sick inside after that one.
That is funny, SallySue. I am sure that platform talk was targetted for congregation members like your mom, who is not internet-savvvy to understand what google can and can't do.
I am sure, at the same time, the JW youth were ROFL in merriment.
What amazes me is the number of JW's who browse www.fark.com
"[Google] is da Debbil, Bobby!" (from The Waterboy)
I actually caught that Waterboy reference! Kathy Bates (my spotty memory thought it was Sally Field) captured evil-religionist to a "T".
Her Oscar-winning role as Annie Wilkes in "Misery" was ranked #17 on the American Film Institute's villains list of the 100 years of The Greatest Screen Heroes and Villians.
Heh finding myself,
I know of a sister who will not use the Internet as she's afraid somehow the bros. will find out what sites she went to and/or check her e mails out. Shows how much fear there is. All Witnesses should just give their computers the heave-ho. End of problem. I've tried to get different ones ( former friends ) to e mail me back after they wanted me to send them an e mail. I kept my letters neutral, but they still won't respond back. FEAR!!!!!!! And remember OBEY, OBEY, OBEY. Guess they want someone else to take over their responsibility for their decisions. Can keep them in the dark then. Remember when the Catholic Church wouldn't allow the people to read their Bibles? Same thing. Keep people under their thumb. juni
If you check out the history of the renaissance, and the catholic opposition to the 'enlightened' ones, you'll get the picture.
welcome to the board, hope to see more posts from you.