latest e-mail from JWs doing the rounds

by stillajwexelder 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    This came to me from a sister in New Jersey ~ We had a Bethel speaker this weekend - wonderful talk - heavy on my mind.
    The speaker, Bro. Kitishima, told the experience of a Bethelite, Circuit
    Overseer, super spiritual brother who got disfellowshipped. Our brother, of
    course, was shocked to hear it.

    Years later when the brother was reinstated Bro. Kitishima asked him, not
    what he'd done, but if he had learned any lessons from being
    disfellowshipped. The ex-CO said what he learned was that for years he had been studying for
    his Bible students, for the ministry, studying for the meetings, studying so
    he could give good answers at the meeting, studying so that he could
    shepherd the friends, but not once in all the years that he'd been a Witness
    had he studied for himself - to motivate his own heart.

    Consequently, while he could give great answers at the meetings and give
    great talks, conduct wonderful Bible studies and aid persons into the Truth,
    shepherd the flock, his own heart was not affected. Bro. Kitishima said he
    felt as if he'd been hit right between the eyes. He, too, realized, while
    the ex-Co was giving his explanation, that he had not been studying for
    himself. Needless to say, the entire audience gasped in unison. In another talk, Bro.
    Kitishima used Matt. 24:37 to prove that there would be no mass conversion
    in this time of the end. Since this is the case, then definitely we have to
    strengthen ourselves.

    Bro. Kitishima encouraged us to meditate and read very slowly, in an
    undertone. He shared with us scriptures that we all know and have read them many, many times, but because of not doing deep meditation and studying to reach our own hearts, we missed points that could
    have motivated us. For example, Gen. 3:22, the dash at the end indicates that the speaker didn't finish his thought. Why? Who is the speaker? Definitely we need to really, really focus on "all the words that Jehovah has spoken." They teach us and safeguard us so much, if we just

  • AlmostAtheist
    Needless to say, the entire audience gasped in unison.

    "Needless to say", yes. Total robotic unison.

    I wonder if when they start studying for themselves, it's going to wake them up? Ya never know.


  • Soledad

    It's funny how a JW is supposed to meditate deeply but at the same time not use critical thinking skills.

    I find it hard to meditate without critical thinking. I wonder how JWs do it?

  • Purza
    but not once in all the years that he'd been a Witness had he studied for himself - to motivate his own heart.

    I've used that line before (or something similar). A few years after I was reinstated I would say "I have made the truth my own" You say that crap because it is what other JWs want to hear.


  • wanderlustguy

    Wonder hoe much real digging he did and why he is back...maybe it's...

    ONE OF US!!!! *looks suspiciously around the room*

  • FlyingHighNow

    Man, I think I heard similar talks and comments about 500 times during my active years as a witness. Stilla, you're not letting this get to you, are you? Please say no.

  • steve2
    Years later when the brother was reinstated Bro. Kitishima asked him, not

    what he'd done, but if he had learned any lessons from being

    disfellowshipped. The ex-CO said what he learned was that for years he had been studying for

    his Bible students, for the ministry, studying for the meetings, studying so

    he could give good answers at the meeting, studying so that he could

    shepherd the friends, but not once in all the years that he'd been a Witness

    had he studied for himself - to motivate his own heart.

    ...Wow! And the only way he could learn this was by being disfellowshipped. So the lesson is, get kicked out, and learn something. All of a sudden, being disfellowshipped has some value...even if it does have the poor soul going back! Still it's a start...Next time he gets disfellowshipped, he might have the balls to stay out.

  • Sirona


    Bro. Kitishima encouraged us to meditate and read very slowly, in an


    Have you all read the thread on JWs being a CULT? Isn't that a mind control tactic? Reading "slowly and in an undertone". Isn't that almost like chanting the scripture?


  • Scully
    used Matt. 24:37 to prove that there would be no mass conversion in this time of the end.

    Yet, JWs are still required to participate in the Door-To-Door Ministry™ in order to remain JWs in Good Standing™. Do you think they'll ever be allowed to count the time they spend on the now supremely important job of 'building up their own spirituality'??

  • luna2

    That's what struck me, Sirona. I don't think I could properly take in anything that I was muttering outloud because what you focus on is pronouncing the words correctly and how you sound. Seems slighty wacko to me. Of course, lately everything about JWs seems sort of nuts and a huge waste of time.


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