My daughter is 17 and she has had a few boyfriends in the past short term. My family keeps asking her why she doesn't have a boyfriend. She says she doesn't want one right now. I don't have a problem with that. She feels as if they are insinuating that she is a "dyke" because she doesn't. She is offended. I've assured her that she is fine. I'm glad she doesn't feel the need for a relationship. She has girl/guy friends and would just rather hang out with them. What do you guys think.
Is it normal for a high school senior girl not to want a boyfriend?
by lv4fer 10 Replies latest jw friends
I think everyone is ready at their own pace. She'll be good but she needs to know there are lots of insensitive people out there. I'd talk to her about some sort of witty come-back. People can be so dammm rude, like it's any of their dammm biz if she is or isn't.
Sherry (who is)
I think that's great.....I applaud her. Why the pressure from your family?
What's the big rush? She will have plenty of time in her life for boyfriends and such. family was the same way! At 16 I was being asked about my plans for marriage. At 16!
I was the same way. I did not want to have a BF when I left for college. I wanted to keep my options open.
I get it alot from my friends, "so why don't you have a girlfriend?" they make the odd joke, but I just tell them I'm waiting for the right girl, I refuse to be pressured into a relationship. And your daughter is making one hell of a stand, for whatever reason, she's not giving in to peer pressure, and giving in to that can ruin a persons life.
Congrats to your daughter!
She shouldn't get into a relationship simply because people are pressuring her. She has plenty of time, and she can choose that time herself.
It sounds like she is pretty level-headed to me.
Yeah totally normal, my first boyfriend was when i was 18 and even then i wasnt really looking. I think its great she isnt rushing into things, gives her a chance to experience a bit of life without that.
When all is said and done, dating in highschool is highly overstated. Most of the kids do not get dates. Most of the kids do not have steady boyfriends or girl friends. And dating, when you do get to do it, can be very awkward, even traumatic.
She's very wise to recognize that she doesn't have to have or even need a boyfriend. It's said that girls who have good relationships with their parents, especially their fathers, don't tend to need to look for affection as much from dating.
My daughter was very, very bright and found many of the high school boys so immature. She went on a few dates and dances and such. She also could not stand the 'drama' of many of her girlfriends. She was always there for them but found many of them 'dumb' because they could not see how the boy was treating them or a few times she even thought a few of the boys were too good for a certain friend as she was a heart breaker and the grass was always greener elsewhere. She also was very driven and looked to her future after highschool. If she's ok with it I would encourage her to be her own person and not go out with somebody just to fit in. They tend to hang out in groups these days anyway so being the 3rd or 5th wheel isn't the same as when people 'double dated'.