As an experiment, I dare anyone to go out on to the street and make eye contact with someone. Not just for a few seconds, I mean, look at their eyes and don't stop as they walk closer and pass by. I would bet, that a large percentage of the men would ask you what your problem is, and ask you if you have a problem with them. Why do I say this, well, I took a class on psychology and part of the class we were asked to conduct a social experiment and this was mine. I did this for three days, in malls, on the street and in the gym. Nearly got into dozens of fights, got pushed around and even got told, "I will kill you!" by someone who got really upset. Nothing complex here, just looked at people in the eyes and waited to see what would happen. Men, by a huge margin were more aggressive then woman. Most woman looked away and tried to act like it was not happening, maybe even walking faster to get away. Now, do the same thing with a dog. Look at a strange dog you never met, and does not have a clue what or who you are. You get a similar reaction. Barking, aggressive nature in your direction, and if you got close enough, maybe even attacked and bitten. Weird, isn't it? We don't like people to look us in the eyes, unless we are in direct contact with you and gave a silent permission to do so. I would like to add, that I did get a lot of, "do I know you" or "are you looking for me?" comments. When I said no, it upset a lot of people.
So, if someone stared at you in the eyes and continued as you walked by and approached, how would you react?