The Ultimate Hypocrisy by WTS

by TopHat 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TopHat

    WTS being the anointed Class and the Great Crowd being another Class. What were they thinking when this article was written?

  • Gill

    The Watchtower Society is one BIG class system.

    Bottom of the heap 1) women with unbelieving mates

    2)Men with unbelieving mates


    4)Children of elders and MSs

    5)Wome with JW husbands (non servants)

    6) Non servants JW men

    7)Elders and MSs wives

    8) Ministerial Servants

    9) Elders

    10) Presiding Overseer



    I am not too sure how the rest goes, but assume it to be women whose husbands are in charge at Bethel , then their husbands above them and then those at Brooklyn up to the GB.

    How many times did anyone invite a lowly sister with no husband or one whose husband was not a JW to a gathering except to help serve the others at weddings etc? And the children of those with unblieving mates - wow! NEVER!

  • AuldSoul

    I have, Gill. But I suppose I am not a "normal" Witness. I'm leaving for a "normal life."


  • TopHat

    Well, I can say that brothers and sisters in my cong are good about inviting UBMs and their children to gatherings. I have been invited to gatherings of JWs even though I haven't been to a meeting in years. They do show love for one another...90% of them anyway/.. It is the WTS that I have issue with and not the congs. The congs can't help it if they are blind sheep.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    The Watchtower Society is one BIG class system.

    yes, but this is a class system established by the true God, Jehovah. It is not that any of them are better, there are degrees of responsibility. even the angels have different duties. and we do not approach anyone with a special responsibility in a subjugated manor. we do not address them by a title or kiss their hands.



  • chrissy

    well would you look at that... the watchtower practically endorsing communism. because that is what life will be like in the new system. one giant, joyful class-free society.

    actually communism isnt such a bad idea, i'm not knocking it or the towers aspirations towards it, but it seems as though much of the problems in communism come from the parties in place. ie. north korea or cuba. so that would make jehovah and jesus leaders of the new order communist party. sounds kinda scary if you ask me. but i lol at how they are quoting H.G. Wells, who somehow envisioned that this life of "egalitarian societies" would only be possible under the tower's prescribed formula. i can just see them adding wells to their list of heros.

  • Gill

    Hi! I'm glad that some of you have experienced caring and sharing among the poorer and 'lower class' members of the JWs.

    Of course, I can only talk for the congregations and circuits we used to be in, and the 'underlings' were NEVER invited to anything except to help our at weddings.

    We, whose fathers were Elders and MS did NOT play with children whose fathers were not in positions of 'servitude',

    We might have been spiritually harmed.

    When my husband and I had children (my husband NEVER accepted JW responsibilities, he just didn't want them)

    but it didn't matter whose children we asked round to play their parents always refused. I never put more than a couple of hours in a month and neither did my husband. We rarely made a full week at all the meetings and so we were 'marked' as my mother explained to me. 'Because you are WEAK!'

    In 14 years of my children being JW they were asked one time to a childrens party by some new members of the cong. We tended to accept this kind of treatment.

    We were less than equal.. What hurt then, only makes me laugh now. So, perhaps it was worth it!

  • DannyHaszard

    Re: The Ultimate Hypocrisy by WTS

    Satanic forces influencing families: Church
    Fiji Times, Fiji - 11 hours ago
    EVIL forces under Satanic influences are pressuring families with difficult choices to deal with, the Jehovah's Witnesses of Fiji "Godly Obedience" convention

    EVIL forces under Satanic influences are pressuring families with difficult choices to deal with, the Jehovah's Witnesses of Fiji "Godly Obedience" convention heard over the weekend.

    Close to 3000 members of the church who attended the meet were encouraged to show godly obedience by practicing biblical principles in their family lives as the world trends was towards divorce, separation and loveless marriages.

    Husbands were told to learn from the example of Christ by showing love and respect for all in the family just like the way Jesus cared for the Christian congregations in the First Century and today.

    As Jesus never abused his disciples, husbands should not physically abuse their wives physically or verbally, the faithfull were told.

    "Jesus' love for the congregation was not sentimental, he corrected his disciples, even firmly when the occasion called for it.

    "Husbands should do likewise having the moral strength to speak up and kindly correct members of his family, including his wife.

    "Wives were encouraged to have respect for their husbands.

    "Deep respect involves obedience from the heard.(sic)

    "Her adornment should be the secret person of the heard including, the quiet and mild spirit.

    "Quiet and mild spirit is reflected in the tone of voice and manner that is not becoming, not challenging or demanding," the church said.

    Children were told it was God's will they obey their parents.

    They were told the best ever example was the one shown by Jesus Christ — he being the perfect model children were to follow.

    [email protected] send comments to editors

  • DannyHaszard

    Galatians 5:26 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. Favoritism Forbidden : I confronted the body years ago in Florida reg;blatant favoritism and downright scorn for the poor,their reply;" well we have to be careful that 'white trash' doesn't bring the congregation down to it's level "

    James 2
    1 My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in shabby clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, "Here's a good seat for you," but say to the poor man, "You stand there" or "Sit on the floor by my feet," 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
    5 Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have insulted the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are slandering the noble name of him to whom you belong?
    8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," [1] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin ." See,what gets me is the Haszard clan was always poor because we gave it all to the Watchtower. My father started out with a $50,000 ( @ 1952 inflationary adjustment) missionary bank account and by the time he married my mom and settled down he was flat broke,and we have been broken ever since.You yuppie jehovah scum dare to call us 'white trash'?

  • AuldSoul

    Gill, even when these "lowly ones" get invited, they are often treated as "lowly ones." I knew immediately what you meant. It is something my wife and I have tried specifically to get the congregations we have been a part of to stop doing. We devloped a reputation, by accident, of helping out widows and orphans. I have pointed out to my wife that no few individuals should have that "reputation," according to the Governing Body, it should be the whole congregation's active desire.

    Because my wife also thinks things like that are very important I still have hope for her waking up.


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