The RatMan cometh!!! LMAO, You have got to see this!!!
by Elsewhere 17 Replies latest jw friends
Dude screams like a little girl.
"do you need help little man?" lmao
Hehe LMAO. That was awesome. Question, was that thing a midget dressed up or something remote controlled?
I think the "victim" was a paid actor who was in on it all along. Either that or he's just a plain dumbass.
OMG!! that was awful!! LOL
I can't watch...I got as far as, "Is this an animal testing place?" "Yes, yes it was." *GASP* LMAO...can't watch this poor guy get all freaked out by a fake ratman.
Double Edge
OMG.... Else... that has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.... I'm going to pass that one along.... thanks
Low-Key Lysmith
Oh ma Gawd that was funny!!!! I'll bet that fella peed his little pink panties.
Breakfast at Cranberrys
This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I can literally see the PeTA building from my apartment in Norfolk, VA. Just imagine a building full of these folks, and you get a feel for my neighborhood! I'm sorry, I'm no animal-hater, but people that think the term 'pet' is vulgar have just gone to far in my book.
P.S. No way that's an actor. That's the real deal!! LMFAO!!!!
Thanks Else, that was so funny, I have to pass that one on to my friends