Interesting.BTW, where in the Bible does it say ALL of mankind will accept Christ and have their sins forgiven ?
I suggest the following scriptures for your examination:
Matthew 7:13-23
Matthew 13:24-30
Luke 16:26
These scriptures may be addressed later, but in simple logic consider the following. If it were known to man that all would be forgiven in the end time, people would have thrown all morals aside in expectation of being forgiven. There was a period of time allowable by GOD in matters of the Laws in the Heavens to allow spirits and men to be tested. This was 6000 human years. The Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ begins at the end of the 6000 years and beginning of the 7000 years of man. This is the Seventh Day of Rest or the Sabbath. We are in the Sabbath and the Alpha and Omega JEHOVAH GOD is upon the Earth of Mankind waiting to take over by the law of the prophets given to man by JAH. The Faithful Slave