Hi KLS I don't think I have ever had the chance to speack with you so it is nice to finally get the chance.
Nice to meet you Lola . I have seen some of your posts so i know somewhat about you
by lola28 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hi KLS I don't think I have ever had the chance to speack with you so it is nice to finally get the chance.
Nice to meet you Lola . I have seen some of your posts so i know somewhat about you
As you can gather I am pretty boring. Also I have always wondered and have not been able to figure it out are you male or female ( excuse the question but sometimes I can be very slow.)
Hee hee Lola, if you look under my beautiful face ( Avatar) you can see i am femaleMy beauty should have given you the answer
I should have known KLS, that is one cute monkey, that is what I call my sister monkeychow.
I should have known KLS, that is one cute monkey, that is what I call my sister monkeychow.
Monkeychow with crushed bananas ,,,,,,,,,,,yummy . Your sis but be a cutie for you to give her such a nice name
I got it from Toy Story, when Mr. Potatoe head is leaving Mrs. Potatoe head is giving him all these things to take with him and then she hands him the monkey chow:
Mr. PH: What is this?
Mrs P Head: Monkey chow.
Mr. PH: What do I need it for?
Mrs. PH: For the monkeys silly!
I thought it was cute and that is what I have been calling her.
Just started raining here. Lightning and lots of wind. Supposed to rain tomorrow too. Hasn't rained in a while so it's nice.
Hi Thom, we haven't had rain like this is a while I like it the only downside is that it hurts with work.
Toy Story ,that was so cute but i don't remember that part Monkeys Rule !!!!!!!!!!
I like monkeys as well, they just inturrepted the station I was listening to because of a wheather warning, there are some ares that are getting really bad rain.