Life is a Tale Told By an Idiot...

by D8TA 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    So, after many countries and voyages...what have I learned?

    The more I learn, the less I know.

    Where to begin?

    There is this elusive thought, a star in which I can touch with my fingertips but just can grasp it, evertime my process of understanding of a situation disappears into a sea of apathy.

    There is a common link with all humanity. We erect borders, be they; social, political, religious, ethinic, and/or cutltural, yet something must exist in which we can all agree and have understanding upon.

    You break out of this box of rules and regulations, dictated and taught from the day you were born. A pre-set to reality. Then, in some glorious moment of clarification, you see the "truth" to what path was laid before you. You see, contrary to what you were taught to belive to be true, that it was a lie. Your world shatters, the door of exploration opens.

    How do you pick up the pieces of a abused life? Abuse in many forms, be it; Mentally, Psychologically, Sexually, and/or so on? The pieces to pick up, are sole the responsibiltiy

    Pretty tough, isn't it?

    What's more difficult, is to try to share your own enlightenment with others.

    Is it possible? Hopefully..yes. Reality wise? No.

    Coming to a sense of enlightenment of one's situation is done, frankly, by one's self. You came upon a moment in YOUR time, that something clicked, where as you became aware of a controlled process. You escape, and you've set yourself free. Congratualtions. There's nothing selfish about it, it happens to some of us in many predicaments and situations in life.

    Now, you have that nagging feeling to share your encounter with personal truth right? You've got to show the one's you care about that your personal escape can benifit them...right? That's the kicker. What you've encountered as to your own personal liberation, is exactly what it is...your OWN PERSONAL liberation.

    I know, you want to impliment some type of system into those who still hold the point of view in which you once shared. You want those who you hold dear, close and understand what you have come to realize. You want to "free" them, don't ya?

    Know what? Don't worry about it. Don't try it. Best you can do is: Take your freedom and run with it. Let those close to you decern for themselves as to what their opinions dictate as to your actions. They will view as a hero or a villian. Don't tarry about whether THEY stay or leave. Take your freedom...and run with it.

    The world isn't as small as you think. It's actually...a pretty big place, full of adventures awaiting and new areas for you to explore. Listen to your heart and it will guide you...and never be concerned as to what "OTHER PEOPLE" may think, for you've earned your freedom.

    It can be lonely sometimes and you may feel isolated...yet, there is other people to meet and others share your ideals as to liberation, and don't expect THEM to be the same.

  • avishai

    WB D8TA!!!!

    And thanks for your post, it was just what I needed tonight!

  • nilfun

    Interesting post. Maybe the (futile?) attempt at showing others the (your?) way out is also part of the journey toward enlightenment(?)

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    It seems to me that many simply dont want to change their views, they have found an island of mental stability which may seem chaotic and self harming but they prefer it to the unknown of a view they dont yet comprehend....

    it is said that more than 80% never stray far from the religion of their parents.... the cost of being different, a loner, a freak is to high a price for most but us freaks to pay

  • Soledad

    Oi!! Prazer em ve-lo! Wonderful to see you D8TA!

    Still living in Brazil?

    I was wondering about you the other day.

    Great post. I gave up trying to "rescue" my mother from the WT. She doesn't want to be rescued. She knows so many things are wrong but......."where else can I go?" is her disposition. She is lost without the JWs.

  • jgnat

    I get on average an idea or a revelation a day. It's true, others can't see what I see. I've spent most of my working career learning how to communicate that vision to others. Here I am in my late forties and I hear myself telling my daughter this premise "You will spend most of your career learning how to communicate your ideas effectively to others. You can't change other people, but you do have control over how you present your ideas. Make that your goal and you will be less frustrated."

  • sf
    I gave up trying to "rescue" my mother from the WT. She doesn't want to be rescued. She knows so many things are wrong but......."where else can I go?" is her disposition. She is lost without the JWs.

    Same here.

    It is truly a lost cause. The only way that could change is if belief in her getting out became knowing she will get out.

    I won't settle for just believing it anymore.



  • coolhandluke

    Holding onto hope is human. I will give up my life before I give up my private hopes in people. I do not base my life nor choices around this childish belief. However, without it I am subject to being sub human and more animal than I can stomach. Hope and waiting are two related words in Spanish. Waiting however can be a mindset and not a physicality. I choose to hope and wait on my mothers self imposed captivity. Without it she becomes just a cause to me and I stop seeing her as she is. I need my hate. I need my faimily, therefore, I need my hope.

  • bikerchic

    Another village idiot checking in......


    I've been trying to select a favorite gem from what you've said, but I can't I love it all! Very well put D8 and it's great to see ya here again, hope you stick around a bit!

    "A life well lived is the best revenge."

    Hugs to ya!


  • twinflame

    Wow, what a great post. I'm sure we can all remember being told that people are in certain religions because it 'tickles their ears'. My conclusion is that once given incriminating information and a JW continues stubbornly to hold on, it is because it is what they want. It is so indoctrinated into the JW psyche to reject any form of doubt. I am cautioned by well-meaning persons all the time to try to save my husband from the borg but you know what....he claims to have even looked at the websites and information I've given him and takes pity on ME for being misled. Hopeless? IMHO, yes.

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