Just sayin Howdy

by forsharry 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GoingGoingGone


    Welcome! Your story is not an uncommon one ... there are many here who understand exactly what you are feeling and exactly what you're going through.... I happen to be one of them. This place is wonderful. Enjoy it!!


  • Spectre

    Welcome. It's nice getting some of that out isn't it? I recently wrote out a rant that I put up on a group that I'm in over at myspace and it felt good. I almost feel like rewriting and expanding my rant. It's nice too know that you aren't alone in what you've gone through.

  • jgnat

    What a great story! I especially like this:

    I have surrounded myself with people that love me for me, not because I'm part of an ultra-secret fan club or I know the password, but because they honestly like me and treat me as they would like me to treat them.

    I hope you will write more.

  • alw

    Howdy - welcome to the board - enjoy the ride. alw

  • bythesea

    Welcome Forsharry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a painful story to hear, but you sound like you are making a success of your life....finding out who YOU are, and you will no doubt find good company here who will also like you for being YOU! We'll look forward to hearing more from you! bythesea

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    Howdy Howdy Howdy and Welcome!

    Thanks for sharing your story. The org causes so much unnecessary pain and heartache. But you are among a different sort now. Sit back, relax, and just enjoy

  • sass_my_frass

    Aw honey! I'm so sorry about you and your family. Big hug to you...

    Do you still have contact with your parents? Since they're both out you'd be able to talk to them about witness issues on some level.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Howdy to you too forsharry.

    It sounds to me like you have overcome many of the obstacles to your healing.

    I wish you well.

    Stick around and enjoy the company and help of the wonderful people here.


  • joanne_

    Welcome Forsharry,

    You have been through so much! And now you can heal. You are absolutely right, surround yourself with people who love you and understand you. Don't waste your energy with those who hurt. Come to the board lots and read, many others have the same pain.

    All the best to you and I promise, it will get better.


  • forsharry

    Sass-my-frass (giggles) I love that handle btw!

    I have contact with my parents. We are all scattered to the four winds now, but somehow I feel closer to them now because I can truly talk to them with just about anything without fear of retribution. :)

    My mother's out, but still feels that the JW religion is the one true religion. She refuses to entertain the thought of even entering another church. We don't talk religion much because of such a gulf in ideologies...but she will agree that bringing myself and my younger brother up in the "truth" was the worst thing she could have done as a parent. So part of me thinks that she is just too afraid to outwardly say anything against the organization but deep within her heart she's already left the dogma of the organization behind and has kept the biblical knowledge.

    My dad? Who knows. :) I think he joined because my mother was so gung ho about the witnesses...sorta just to go along with the flow. We don't talk much 'shop.'

    Both are remarried to ::GASP:: Worldly people! Both seem very content with their lives. Both are good people and love my brother and I very much and are proud no matter what we do as long as we're happy. Where was this when I was a kid, eh? ::chuckles::

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