Watching an addicted brain is fun! (quitting smoking)

by AlmostAtheist 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Sorry about your dad, that's awful. The drawbacks to smoking are obvious and undeniable, but the addiction is so strong that it warps your mind. Freaky stuff.

    It's been 24 hours now. I'm irritable, impatient, and my movements are jerky and clumsy.

    I saw a guy chewing gum and the very first thing I thought was, "I wonder if that's nicotine gum?" followed almost immediately by, "I wonder if he'd sell me a piece?"

    My favorite laugh-out-loud moment was an hour or so ago. I thought to myself, "You're dismissing every pro-smoking thought as addiction-induced. So, if you had a legitimate pro-smoking thought, how would you know?" I had to laugh, because that's beautiful reasoning. It's a short walk from there, to "hey, I have a point! I really *should* smoke!"

    I hope I work this hard to talk myself into good things!


  • AlmostAtheist

    Sorry if I'm abusing this thread, treating it like a blog or something. But I am loving that this whole experience is getting documented!

    I just thought, "I don't WANT to quit. I LIKE smoking." The appeal here is to the fact that I am denying myself something. You want it, you can afford it, it's right there, and yet you say No. What's up with that?

    Then I thought, "I'm not READY to quit. They always say that until you're ready, you just won't." I see, so I should go ahead and give up, then? Nice try.

    Hate giving up smoking, love watching my brain trying to get me not to!


  • PurpleV

    With this whole "plain of life without cigs" ... don't do that!

    I am quit one year next Wednesday (yay for me), and I had to have the mindset of "one day at a time." (Sometimes even 1 hour at a time, at first.)

    The thought of never smoking again upset me so greatly, I couldn't go there. I told myself if I really, really wanted to smoke, I could. I said, "I know I can not smoke today, if I absolutely have to, I can have one tomorrow." I kept cigs in the house for the first 2 months. You'd be surprised how quickly those "one days" add up, and before I knew it I was 3 months quit and threw the packs away.

    Now I can't stand the smell of it anymore.

    Good luck!

  • AlmostAtheist
    I had to have the mindset of "one day at a time." (Sometimes even 1 hour at a time, at first.)

    You won't believe this. I was sitting here with the "I'll never have a cigarette again ever" thinking starting to settle over me. It's like mourning the loss of a close friend. I knew that it was all baloney and it was just addiction talking, but it *feels* real.

    So I go to post it and here's your post on this, Purple! Thank you so much, you said exactly what I needed to hear!

    It's been 48 hours now. 560,000 to go... (But one at a time, of course!)


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    AA Keep it up, I've been thinking about you. Did you try the breathing very deep, that I told you about?

    Just a side note- It takes 3 months for the nicotine to leave your brain. So alot of people go back to smoking, because their brains want that nicotine.

    Just a couple+? years ago, in the Readers Digest, an article about airplane pilots. If they smoked, they were allowed to keep on smoking. Deprived of the nicotine, their brains couldn't act properly, for the safety of the passengers. With those little voices in your head right now, I'm glad my life is not in your hands right now!!!! LOL HL

  • AlmostAtheist
    Did you try the breathing very deep, that I told you about?

    Yes, and I can see where you're coming from with it. I expect that to become more useful over this weekend. Thanks for that!

    I'm glad my life is not in your hands right now!!!! LOL

    You have no idea how right you are!


  • AlmostAtheist

    Damn, damn, damn!

    I just smoked again, after 2 days and 6 hours of being clean.

    <sigh> My brain won. Stupid brain.

    I'll give it another shot. Shoot.


  • kls

    Really ,try the gum . It is not a cure all but it does help those really bad urges. It's better then lightening up .

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