Just wondering. I'm going to attend and was wondering what to read up on ahead of time.
What's the upcoming special assembly all about?
by M.J. 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It`s a special anouncement, I think: "This is a special anouncement from the WTBTS, and the GB: We have called this special assembly to inform you all that we are quitting, and dissolving the company. We have finally realised that we are full of shit, and have been misleading you all these years. The dollars and hours you put in, will not be returned, as we have spent the money on our own private island in the carribean, and purchased 144 000 gallons of fine, scotch whiskey. Good luck to you all, and goodbye. The GB".
The assembly is "special" in the same sense that the special olympics are special.
It is "keep your eye simple" from Matthew 5.
I posted a thread a couple weeks back about them giving my kids notebooks. One new elder wannabe dweeb who just joined our cong printed up bound notes with everyones name and a personalised picture.
Anyway, on that thread someone posted some notes and a schedule for it. He got the stuff from ministryideaz.com.
Just a side note. I notice these days all this personalizing of dub accessories. Recovering of pubilcations. Getting publications bound in different bindings. All these dorky specialized notebooks. Could it be that the drones are craving a sense of uniqueness and identity?
Wait till the gb finds out!!!
Thanks. I missed that thread. It would be funny if I printed out my own special notebook and took it, looking more "prepared" than my wife and other dubs. Maybe I'll print out extras and hand them to some "less spiritual" ones that obviously need my helping gesture.
Runningman: LMAO!
Hellrider: one could dream...
You could pass out "special" notebooks. Hmmm. That is a great idea! With scriptures running at the top of pages like 1 John 4:1; Hebrews 5:14; Galatians 2:1-5...heh-heh...thanks for the idea M.J.
Huh, special notebooks and fancy bindings, a showy display of one's means, materialistic and putting oneself forward! They should spend more time in Bible study and service, not in lusting after pretty bindings, lol! Must schedule a special needs talk about this fad developing!
The assembly is "special" in the same sense that the special olympics are special.
Funny. This is the stuff Life Time movies are made of.
I think it is a great idea MJ. I am a big fan of "out spiritualizing" jws.
Awhile back I asked my wife if I could go out in service. At the time she pooh-poohed it. Somehow it came up again. She said, "what are you going to try to teach what you believe?"
I replied, "No, I won't say anything. I don't want to cause trouble, I just wanna check it out. You know, how they do ride-alongs with cops? Same deal."
She told me she asked the PO and he just cracked up. He thought it was so funny. He laughed especially hard when I said I promised not to say anything.
Wait til they get aload of my service bag!!! Think "sassy"!